Chapter 14: Can't stop the feeling

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I woke up in Coach's car as the honking got louder and louder.

"We're almost there kids!" Coach cheered

I was seated at the backseat. Johnson is at the shotgun.
We were both under Doc Ronnie's care for this whole trip.
Mom cant leave Deya on her own. While Johnson's mom is the same with her two younger sons.
The competition will be televised anyway so the can watch us from home.
Coach's friend sponsored our hotel.
I'll have my own room while Coach and Johnson will stay in the same room.
We arrived at our destination at exactly 7pm.
I'm starving.
I ordered food from the hotel and was waiting for it while hanginh my dresess in the cabinet.
The bell rang. My food is here.
Coach went out with another voice coach.
Johnson is alone in his room.
I texted him.

"Have u eaten yet? I ordered food."

Johnson: Not yet. Was actually about to knock on your door to ask if you wanna go out and eat with me. Have you had food enough for two? hehe 😬

Me: Yeap. More than enough. I' more than happy to share.

J: Great! I'll be there in a minute.

There's a knock on the door. I let Johnson in.
We shared a plate of chicken clubhouse, bowl of fries and a massive glass of chocolate thickshake.

We talked about how excited we are to meet the other delagates mostly. Then we started talking about each others personal likes and dislikes.

We're like two strangers getting to know each other. By 10pm he said his goodnight and thanked me for the treat. He said it's his turn tomorrow.

I remembered my phone. I put it on silent before we travelled and I got distracted by Johnson's presence that I totally forgot to check it.

There are number if notifs I was too lazy to scroll down. I texted Mom straightaway telling her Im safe and sound. She instantly replied her usual reminders. I rolled my eyes.

I was scrolling through my messages and was interrupted by a call.

JOY. Appeared on the screen. It's Joseph.

I honestly haven't thought of him since tuesday night.
I think Im starting to move on from him.
I have to pat myself.
Good Job Freya! You dont need him I told you.
My inner goddess told me.
I press ignore.
It went to my voicemail.
Do I listen to it?
I checked my voicemail.
55 voicemails from Joseph.
I am now curious what he's after.
I scrolled down to the first voicemail.
It was sent at 6am.
The fuck. He's been calling me all day.
I pressed play.

Voicemail 1: Hi, Good Morning Chubbycheeks! I miss you. Haven't seen you for 5 days now. Im dying here. I miss your scent. I miss you. Oh Ive already said that. Uhmm. Call me or text me when you wake up please.

Voicemail 2: "Hello, its me. Again. You still asleep? Uhm. Im on my way to school now. I rode the bus so just in case you call me I can answer it immediately unlike when im on my motorbike. Call me when you're not busy Yeah? I miss you.

Voicemail 3: "Are you still mad? It's recess time. Im here outside our classroom waiting for your text or call. I wish you were here. Everything is boring when you're not around."

Voicemail 4: "Hi. Ive been bugging your girlfriends to tell me where you are but they wont. I assure you your bestfriends are trustworthy, just like you. I am dying to hear you voice. God. Call me. please. please. Or answer the phone perhaps?"

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