Chapter 21: Demons of the Past

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"Come on girls, Hurry up! Our team needs to be the first at the assembly area before the start of the obstacle course for Team building" glenn yelled to us all girls inside this massive tent. There's 20 of us. .

Me,Glenn,Selle,Raisa,Andrea,Sanz,Jumella,Karen,Fatima,Krizzia,Mae,Marichu,Michelle,Reema, Maral,Lina,Maureen,Judie, Kim and Des?

Wait where is Des?

Oh. Des is running late. She said someone will drop him off.

I tied my shoe lace as quickly as possible and ran outside to catch up with the girls who were already running far from me. Damn it!

Our team's uniform is a red penguin polo t-shirt,black yoga pants and runners. Jo will kill me about this yoga pants.

Jo doesnt like me wearing anything that shows the curve of my behind. Especially this past few weeks, it's becoming bigger and bigger, even my breast! Puberty is really hitting me before I turned 16!! I thought Mom was just exaggerating when she said I should start buying one size bigger clothes. I shouldve listen. Damn it!

Well, this is a uniform and im not the only one wearing so I hope he doesn't make a big deal out of it.

The last time I wore a mini skirt, he punished me by making me text him everytime I wake up in the morning, for 2 weeks. He knows I hated it, Im so used that he's always the one texting me first. But, for him to stop acting like a child, I just gave in and did it.

I was catching my breath as soon as we reached the assembly area. I scanned my eyes around panting and spot Jo debriefing the boys for the game. He's so serious when it comes to these games. He's very sporty and always wants to win. He didn't saw me yet since we arrived here at 6am. Our team rode a different bus from theirs. I haven't check my phone either, he mustve text me a million messages, again. I'll just make an excuse.

The boys are wearing the same color penguin polo t shirt except ofcourse they're wearing a black jersey short pants instead of yoga pants. We are going to compete against the other section and the juniors. 4 teams against each other.

It's already 8:30am. Glenn and I looked at the schedule posted on the wall near us.

0900: Games/Obstacle course/Team Building
1200: Lunchbreak
1300-1700: Free time at the beach/pool/tent
1900: In house party sponsored by the resort
with special participation of DJ Mo and a mystery band
Venue: Pool side
attire: Swim Clothing and Thongs
No formal wear.


Ms Vidal has already announced that the obstacle course will start in 10 minutes. I was in the middle of my stretching when I saw Des running from afar. She's not even wearing any running shoes yet. I wonder where'd she slept last night.

She was out of breath when she reached us, collapsing on her buttom to sit on the grass and put hurrily her running  shoes on.

"Where have you been woman?" Glenn asked while her arms crossed. Uh oh. Team leader is not pleased.

"Huuuuhhh. Im sorry. I slept... huhhhhhhhh... in Jeaf's place and....huuuuuhhh he didnt set his alarm!" she explained struggling to breathe

"Oh... huuuuuuhhhh. By the way.... Theyre here..." she added then she looked at me.

"who's they?" I was curious

"Jeaf and his friends.." she paused she inhaled and exhaled deeply

"Uhmm.... theyre having a reunion here, the whole batch of Seniors last year.  They'll be here till tomorrow. I think. Didn't i mention it yesterday??" she said as she finished tying her shoelace.

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