Chapter 6: That Should be Me

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It was Saturday. We were halfway with our review class when Ms Baltazar said she had an emergency she has to go home ASAP. It was only 10 in the morning when she dismissed the class. The girls and I decided to go to the mall and buy some clothes for Glenn's birthday party in a month. We were at the powder room freshenin' up when my phone rang. It's Neil.

"Hey, Hi." I answered sweetly. "Hi hon, Ezel texted me to play B-ball with them. He said your class got dismissed early. I said No coz I was thinking of you. Do you wanna go somewhere today?" he asked. "Uhmm, actually the girls and I decided to go to the mall and buy an outfit for Glenn's party next next week while we have the chance. But I'll ask them if its okay if I come with you instead?" I replied.

"Sure yeah. Im already here at the mall eating at the foodcourt. I can wait for you here. You can come with them then we'll just go on our way once you arrive here, yeah?" he suggested. I giggled "Sounds like a plan. I'll see you in half an hour? loveyou." i told him. "loveyou more hon. cant wait to see you!" he excitedly answered and hang the phone.

I told the girls about my plan and its fine with them. Jeaf is meeting Des at the mall too. Selle and Glenn were both single and said they will be fine together so it was settled. As we were walking out of the campus I heard a familiar voice following from behind us.

"Where are you guys going?" Joseph asked. I didn't look. The girls answered him while I pretend to be busy with my phone. He was with Cab and Vonne. They wanted to come along. Glenn said yes so they followed us.

When we reach the bus station. I was the first one to get in the bus while I dragged Des to sit beside me. Glenn and Selle sat in the row in front us while the boys sat on the row behind. I can smell Joseph's perfume from behind but I ignored him.

Eversince the last fight we had I never hand the chance talked to him yet. It's been a week. We were seatmates but we weren't talking. I tried to face Andrea as much as I could everytime were having class to avoid glancing at Jo. Even him always goes out during breaktime or he sits at the back with the boys to avoid me. We stopped having lunchbreaks together.

A couple of days ago, when I arrived from school I saw him seated next to Kim during our Science class. Our science teacher doesn't care where we sit during her class for as long as we attend. He left his chair next to me and sat beside Kim.

Kim, the person I hate the most in class. He knew about it yet he sat beside that bitch! He was provoking me. Im sure he is. I pretended I didn't saw him and ignored them the whole time. Halfway during the class when Ms Tamayo was busy writing a formula on the white board I accidentally glanced at Jo and I saw Kim's hand on his lap.

What the hell? And Jo's allowing him? He has a girlfriend and he's flirting with someone else?  Maybe I should take a photo and sent it to Steph. I looked away. I felt more annoyed. My bestfriend flirting with the girl I hate the most.


"We're here!" Des whispered to me as I pretend sleep on her shoulder. I pretend to yawn then stood up. I can see from my peripheral view that Jo is staring at me. I ignored and went on walking out the bus following the girls.

I can smell Joseph's scent following closeby.

"Jeaf will be late for an hour, I have to stay with Glenn and Selle." Des interrupted everyone while we were walking on the wau towards the mall. "Freya you can go upstairs now. Neil has been waiting for you for more than an hourc blame the traffic. Poor bugger." Glenn said to me.

"Wait, Neil is here?" Joseph  sounded shocked as he interrupted the conversation. "Yeah he's been waiting for Freya since 10am. Go girl!! chop chop! your poor boyfriend mustve fallen asleep waiting for you already!" Selle answered for me. I just giggled and nodded as I went on walking waving goodbye to them but Joseph. I glanced quickly at him and he looked pissed? Im not sure but I saw he was disappointed as I walked further away from them.

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