Chapter 9: Bewildered Heart

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Monday is here. . Most of our teachers will skip our lectures today to give us time to practice for the Independence Day Celebration this coming Friday.

The dance club was allowed to wear jeans and tee shirt for the whole week so we can dance in comfort.

It's only 9am. Selle was setting up the radio while Glenn and Des called the other dancers at the cafeteria. I was looking for my water bottle which I was sure I left on my table but couldn't find it.

"Are you looking for this?" Joseph appeared out of nowhere shaking my water bottle.

"Where'd you get that? Hang on, What'd you put in it?" I fiercely asked as I quickly grab it from his hands. "It looks like piss." I added.

He laughs. "Now you gave me an idea." he paused. "But no, it's your favorite iced tea. I put it in your water bottle to add some ice on it, just the way you like it, my princess." he exaggerated the last word.

I blinked a few times as I looked at the bottle and then at Jo. Isn't he so sweet? I think I died for a few seconds.

"Don't spoil me you idiot. I might get used to it!" I scoffed but honestly I was flattered with his sweet gesture.

"I can spoil you anytime I want." he winked at me as the other dancers made their way towards us.

"Alright! Lets get this dance done and over with so we can party next week yeah? Positions everyone!" Glenn exclaimed.

I went to Vonne in front while Jo stayed with Mae at the back.

Every once in a while I glance at Jo and I always catch him looking at me. Everytime our eyes meet we smile at each other like idiots.

We stayed together during rest time. He make sure I have my towel with me. He refilled my water bottle with water many times I couldn't count anymore then we share drinking alternately from it. Yeap, we sure are acting like we're lovers and I hope no one in the group notice the sudden change of closeness were showing for each other.

It was already 4pm. We were all seated on the floor catching our breaths from doing the last sequence of today's practice when my phone vibrated from my jean's pocket. It's Neil.

Hon, my class finished early. I'm on my way to pick you up. I'll take you out for an early dinner. I'll be there in 20 mins. Same meeting place, yeah?

I stood up from where I was seated near Jo. He looked at me warily wandering where I was about to go. I looked at him then shakes my phone to signal him I was going to text someone. Then I went outside the room. I dialled Neil's number. He answered on the second ring.

Neil: Hello?

Me: Hi, Uhm.. Hon. I read your text. I'm sorry I can't come with you today. We're kind of busy practicing for Independence Day Celeb this Friday. You know this, Oh and I forgot to tell you that Im still one of the dancers for the interpretative dance. Sorry.

Neil: Oh... Yeah, Ofcourse It always happens in August. Who's your partner?

Me: Uhmm. Vonne as always. He's now a partner really. Im more of the flyer. The one being thrown up in the air most of the dance. Im the dwarf in the group so yeah. I was so busy I totally forgot to tell you about it. Youre not mad, arent you?

Neil: Ofcourse not. I was just looking forward on seeing you this afternoon. I had a bad day at Uni and I thought If I see you at least I'll feel better.

Me: Why? What happened? Is everything okay? Are you okay?

Neil: Yeah im okay, for now. One of my new friends recruited me to join a fraternity without my knowledge. Now I am left with no choice but to attend the initiation night on friday.

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