Chapter 8: Safe and Sound

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I pretended I didn't saw him. I stood up and tried to hide as fast as I could to the side of the bus stop where there's a wide post that can cover me up. But it was too late. He already got out of his motorbike and was on his way towards me. So I just pretended I was texting on my phone. My hands are shaking. Damn it!

"Hey chubbycheeks! What are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be at home?" he asked while he stood up in front of me. He's wearing a black fitted tee shirt, black ragged pants  and a white converse snickers. He smells so good. Looks like he went out on date. He looks dashing. I looked away immediately.

"What do you care?" I answered him rolling my eyes so much I think they've seen the frontal lobe of my brain. "Wait, it's me that should be asking you the same? What on earth are you doing here? Please don't tell me you're a stalker now?" I added sarcastically. He grinned from ear to ear.  His dimples showing. I don't know what's happening to me but he looks so handsome today. what the heck?

"Come on Freya don't tell me you're still mad? It's been two weeks. Can't we just move on?" he asked as if he hasn't done anything grave to me. He's teasing me. WTF?

"Oh Im sorry! Last time I check I was bitten by a rabid friend of mine so bad I had wound from it. Then instead of apologizing about it, he went to sit down with the girl I'm most furious at for a week. Not to mention he also called me the last time saying he missed me without explaining himself." I yelled at him thankful no one was with us at the bus stop.

He looked at me warily. He's nervous and caught offguard processing what I just said.

"I.. fine.. I'm so sorry If I bit you . I don't know what came to me okay. That day when I saw you with Vonne. I felt... I mean, I felt..." he paused not sure if he's gonna continue. Then he looked away and sighed.

"Say that or I'm gone. The bus is coming in 5 minutes and I'm giving you this last chance to explain yourself. If you won't enlighten me with all these crap you've been doing to me, friendship over! you know me. and I mean it!" i sternly said glaring at him angrily.

Im dead serious. Im sick of whatever game he's trying to play with me. For God's sake I cried because of him. I never cried for Neil yet I cried for him. My bestfriend? Seriously?

"I felt jealous." he whispered his hands fisted on his side.

Did I heard him right?

"You felt what!?" not believing what I heard the first time.

"I was jealous okay? There I said it. Happy now?!" he's now yelling at me. Now he's the one who looked angry.

"Jealous??" I scoffed. " You bit me and then you sit with Kim for one week because you were jealous of Vonne? Is that your lame excuse?! Stop lying and tell me the truth!" I fired back at him.

He was about to say something but he stopped and turned around walking back to his motorbike.

I feel like I was stab by something very sharp it hurts. My eyes are filled with tears I wiped them as fast as I could with back of my palm. I saw the bus coming. I fixed myself up. Thats it. Friendship over for us. It hurts so bad I think Im gonna faint.

I took a couple of steps forward, I straigtened my skirt then I exhaled through my mouth exaggeratedly to compose myself and was about to signal the bus to stop when Joseph yelled "I like you okay! I Like you Freya! I know this is crazy! But I like you not as a friend but more than that!" His eyes were teary looking at me, his lips were shaking, his hands were on his hips and his breathing's so fast I could see his chest rising up and down rapidly and his nose flaring.

What did he just say? De he said he like me?
I was speechless. My mouth went open. I couldnt count how many times my eyes blinked. We stared at each other. Since I didn't signalled the bus driver to stop,it didn't. I can't move. All I can hear is my fast heartbeat.

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