Chapter 3: Dazed and Confused

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I went upstairs in front of our classroom when a familiar scent came to my side. Smells like eucalyptus and lavender. It's my boyfriend, Neil. He cut his hair. Clean cut with some of the middle front brushed up with some gel that smelled nice.

He has the longest eyelashes for a guy. I was wishing mine was like his I kept on telling him. Neil is handsome but I admit he's not the prettiest male in his batch.

I never had any trouble with any girl that might have a crush on her. He's so tall that my head was only up to his shoulder.

Neil was introduced to me by Jeaf, Desiree's bf until he got my number and we started texting. Neil was actually very sweet and funny sometimes with his corny jokes.

My friends kept on insisting for me to give him a chance since it has already been a year since I broke up with Echo on our sophomore year.

Neil has been very understanding since we started our secret relationship that's why along the way I fell in love with him.

He was smiling broadly at me then he whispered "I've missed you Hon." We hugged when I felt that he was sniffing my hair like it's giving him life.

I felt his long sigh too then I let go of him instantly after a few seconds  as realization hit me that we are in the school grounds where my Aunt is the Director.  To divert him I walked down the stairs and out of the school as quickly as possible while he followed me quietly.

Neil knows my situation so he kept his distance while we were walking near the campus. We went to catch a ride along the way to go to his place. I agreed I'll stay with him for an hour and has to go home at 05:30 pm otherwise my Mom will start texting me to come home.

I do not have a curfew but since I am riding a public vehicle going home I have to be early to avoid any unnecessary and unwanted events especially now that I am 15. "Maniacs are everywhere" thats what my mom and my grandma kept on reminding me.

"Earth to Freya!" Neil distracted me from my worry . "Just thinking about Mom. You know how strict she is." I explained to him. "We will be quick I promise. I just missed you I've told you right? I know the safest place your parents won't see you with a boyfriend is at my house." he assured with a smile.

I just nodded and gave him a small smile back as he intertwined one of his hands to one of mine.

Neil's mom was outside sweeping some dead leaves that fell from the mango tree just a couple of steps beside the front gate of their house when she saw and immediately rushed towards me grinning from ear to ear and gave me big bear hug.

"Oh dear!!  I thought I would never see you anymore! It's been long since you last visited." she sweetly said to me. "My mom won't approve of me going out last summer, Plus most of it I spent at my Aunty's place which is 6 hours away from here. Im sorry Zen." I replied hugging her back.

"I know honey, Neil already oriented me with your situation and I understand. I know you're a good daughter Freya, you just happened to be so inlove with my son that college diploma can't wait. Can I blame you though, I mean look at him?" Zen said while pinching her son's cheek.

Neil's face turned red feeling embarassed but smiling towards her mother. I just smiled looking at him but didn't said anything. She guided me on the way inside their house while Neil carried my stuffs following us.

Zen has been separated to Neil's dad since he was 5. Neil's father is in Washington, DC. He has his 2nd family there but fully supports Neil and Zen financially so they are well.

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