Chapter 25: It's the Most Beautiful Time of the Year

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It's been my 3rd night sleeping in the hospital and my back is killing me. The lounge chair isn't the most comfortable chair to sleep in.
I was massaging my neck when mom came in with boxes of food stacked up on her arm.

"Good Morning! Hows my princesses?" She greeted us.

"Im feeling much okay now Mom. You sure I still can't go home?" Deya answerd smiling.

"Hopefully tomorrow, so we can celebrate Freya's birthday. We can have dinner with Melinda and Johnson." Deya added while she looked at me.

I think Deya thought that I like Johnson. She's been thanking me for staying all day and night with her since she got hospitalized and she reckoned being with Johnson will make me happy. If only she knew.

I just smiled.

"Thats not a bad idea. How about we invite your male bestfriend too, Freya? The handsome boy who brought your sister here?"mom turned her head towards me.

I almost choked on my saliva.

"Who? Joseph? He brought me here? Isn't he like gay or something?"

I cant help it. I started laughing.

"Yeah, he's kinda. But hey, you owe him one. He carried you from your classroom up to the parking lot while youre passed out." I glared at Deya.

"Oh really? uhmm..I'll thank him when I see him." she smiled shyly.

My neck is so sore. I continued to massage it and was about to ask Mom for some paracetamol when she said.

"I'll stay with Deya tonight. You go home. Youre old enough, you can stay there on your own right?" mom asked me

"What? No! I'll stay here. I dont want to stay there alone" I almost yelled

"It's your birthday! Plus I know how uncomfy this lounge chair youve been sleeping on for the last 3 nights. Dont be such a baby. You're turning sixteen by midnight. You can call your girlfriends to come over if you want. That's my gift to you for now, since I didnt had time to buy you a present." mom added.

"Really?? like the three of them??" I excitedly yelled.

"Yeah yeah, just clean up your mess after. I mean it. Dont break anything. And lock the doors early!" Mom added.

Oh my gosh.
This is the best news ive gotten so far since Deya fainted.

The three of us started to eat our breakfast. Mom told us about my Aunt not being happy we wont make it to her place for this year's Christmas because of what happened to my sister. But she promised her, we will next year.

I started texting Glenn and Selle about having sleepover at my place tonight but they both were away.

I was about to text Des then I realized we weren't talking to her. Plus she's pregnant. She wont be the best company for now especially with what she's been going through.

I texted Jo instead and ask how is he.
He said he's busy catering visitors who came early.

I was about to mention I'll be alone at home tonight but he's pretty preoccupied so I shrugged it off..

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