Chapter 23: Almost

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"Remind me again why didn't we came here yesterday?" Glenn asked as she enjoys the sun while we are all laying in the sand.

"This is so relaxing! No wonder you love the beach Freya." Selle added

"hmmmmm" i responded with my hand under my head.

"Where's Des?" I added

"She stayed at Jeaf's hotel room last night. Man, like theyre together every night. Theyre not even married yet." Glenn said disgustedly

"Shhh. Lets not judge her. She's just inlove." I defended Des.

"Yeah, that love might make her end up pregnant before we even graduate though." Selle said

"What? For sure theyre being safe." I defended again.

"Des mentioned something last time about Jeaf not wanting to wear the rubber. She said Jeaf hated it. he wants to feel the inside of Des without a barrier. Gosh thats so stupid! Good luck to them!" Glenn says in annoyance.

"Oh my God. That's very risky and scary!" I responded

"Scary alright. I mean, you can be inlove but at least, do not be stupid! Seriously she's our friend but she's annoying me when it comes to that!" Glenn added

"Same here. If she gets into trouble dont she dare blame us for not warning her." selle said.

Des pregnant?
Oh my God.
I remembered my mom's warning about having boyfriends.
Boyfriends are headaches.

"Eheeeemm!!" someone faked a cough.

I opened my eyes.
It's Joseph.
Standing in front of me.

"Uhmmm. Freya, can I talk to you for a minute?" he say almost whispering

"Last time i check we're not talking." i snap

"woahh woahh, come on Selle. Let's get out of here. Someone's having some LQ." Glenn stood up.

"Im coming. Im not in the mood to talk to someone who accused me last night of cheating!" I almost yelled stood up then dragged the girls back to the resort.Their mouths went wide open, so as Jo.

I'm so mad.
the girls bombarded me what happened last night as soon as we went back to our tent.
I told them the whole story.
they cant believe Neil finally let go of me.
And they got a bit mad with Joseph and his reaction.
I avoided Joseph the rest of the trip.
I felt bad but I was hurt and I needed some space from him.
We board the bus at 4pm for a three hour travel.
Ms Vidal said we can skipped our morning classes the next day. We can come in the afternoon instead.


"Lock the door. Lock the gate as soon as I drive out. Call me as soon as you hear someone trying to get in.  My phone is with me all the time. You know this already. I'll be home tomorrow at 7, okay?" Mom instructed Deya and I.

"m'kay mom" deya and I said in unison.

Mom was called in for a shift at the hotel. She doesnt want to but since she's a new one and wanted to impress the manager she accepted the shift.

I said my goodnight to my sister who was already yawning nonstop while were waiting for mum' car to drive out of the gate.

"You go and sleep now. I'll lock the gate." I say to her.

"Thanks!" she replied yawning then ran back inside the house.

I was just lying down for about 15minutes when my phone vibrated.

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