Chapter 13: Dream Chaser

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"I'll tell your teachers about. You have nothing to worry Freya. They'll send you your assignments through email this afternoon after their respective classes. I wish you all the best! Bring home the bacon! I know you'll make us proud my dear.." Aunt Bec said. Yeap the very same Ms Vidal, The director of my school.

I have to excuse myself from class for the rest of the week. Coach signed in my name to a regional singing contest this Friday night. The drive is 6 hours away so we are leaving on Thursday. I have to focus on practicing with my piece. I have one solo act and one duet. I have no idea who Im singing with for the duet category. Coach said he found somoene whom I'll be meeting at his studio this morning.

"Mom!! Aunt Bec said she'll take care of it. Coach is waiting for me outside. I Gotta go!" I yelled while walking on my out of the house.

"Okay, i'll meet you after your practice. You need some new outfits!" mom yelled back.

I nodded and jump inside the car.

"Morning Coach! You're lucky I was still awake when I read your text last night."

"Im sorry its a late notice but I cant allow you to missed this kind of opportunity Freya. How did you go with your Aunt? Did she allowed you to miss school for four days?" he asked.

"Yeah, she said my grades were very impressive and This is something huge so she's gonna take care of my absence at school this week."

"See, the heavens' are agreeing to this. This is a sign. You'll win this. I can feel it.  The judges will be amazed how good you are." he proudly said.

As he pulled over in front of his studio I saw a familiar car parked closeby.

Johnson. He's standing in front of the studio. He has headphones in his ear. He's holding a music sheet. He's singing with his eyes closed.

As we walked towards him. I gently pat his shoulder to get his attention.

"Johnson? What are you doing here?" i asked.

He took his earphone quickly.

"He Freya? Whaaa— I should ask you the same?" he reply.

"You two know each other?" Coach asked too.

"Freya, this is Johnson. He'll be your partner for the duet category." coach added.

"What?" johnson and I said in unison. then looked at each other and laughed.

Coach said he and Johnson's dad are friends.

"Coach we've been competing against each other for past 2 years. And now we'll be in the same team. Wow! Who would have thought?" i said still laughing.

"This is exciting! Ive been wanting to sing with you and now here we are finally!!" Johnson said full of glee.

"Awesome! I wouldn't have any problem with the chemistry then since both of you knew each other. this is gonna be easy peasy!" coach said

We all laughed and head inside the studio.


It's lunchbreak. Coach and Johnson went out to grabbed some lunch for the three of us. I told them I'll stay to text my friends so they went off without me.

I grabbed my phone from my bag. Hundreds of notifications.

Texts from Mom, Des, Glenn, Selle, Deya, Vonne, Zen.

Missed Calls from Neil and Joseph.

I blinked a few times.

I looked at my phone again.

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