Chapter 18: One Sweet Day

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Mom allowed me to go to Glenn's party!
In one condition.
She wants me to be dropped and picked up by my cousin Macky so they know where Glenn's place is.

Glenn's place is a bit far from city. It'll take about 40mins drive from school.
They have a big house in the middle of a cattle farm.
Her family owned acres of land and they live in the middle of it.
Rich As.

Suddenly a plan went into my mind.
I changed my mind not to tell Jo to surprise him and the girls. I hope they'll be happy to see me.


" You sure you want me to come tomorrow's party? I can just go there at your place and pretend gay to your Mom. Im a great actor you know?" Joseph said on the other line.

"You're very clingy Jo. I'll be fine. Go to the party and Enjoy! It's our last year to celebrate Glenn's birthday before we all part ways after graduation. Drink and Have fun Dude." I answered.

"Them maybe, but not us. You're stuck with me chubbycheeks. I'll be clingy to you whenever I want okay. I'm always gonna be like this to you, so suck it in." he giggled

"what are we exactly Jo?" I changed the topic

"Uhm.. Less than lovers more than friends?" he answered

"Sounds about right. at least not friends with benefits." I teased but regret it as soon as I realized what that meant.

"ohhhhh. i think i liked the latter." he teased and laughed like a devil.

"Dream on." I teased while laughing too.

"God I really hope you can come for tomorrow's party. It'll be so boring without you. For the past 2 weeks I haven't seen you was maddening! Swear its like day light without the sun."

"Well we actually had a literal storm didn't we?"

"You're such a tease." he replied.

"Well, better get well very very soon so I can have my kiss. It has been long overdue now I think I might add some interest." he added.

"Whats the interest then?" i curiously replied.

"I'll think about it. Alright! Its getting late now. As much as I love talking to you, The Dr was clear when he said you need rest. So off to bed you go." he instructed.

"Okay Daddy. I'll sleep now." i answered.

"I.... Uhmmm. Hey, dont call me that. That's..umm... that has a different meaning when it comes to people who dates." he stuterred.

"What? You mean the Daddy? whats wrong when I call you Daddy? I dont get it? Explain!" i demand

"Gosh youre so innocent Freya! I can eat your chubbycheeks right now." he said.

"We'll see about that. M'kay gotta have some beauty rest now. Bye Jo." i replied.

"Dont you hang up on me without saying the magic words." he warned sweetly.

"I love you. Dream of me." I sweetly whispered.

"Oh God. You're killing me woman! I love you. Bye."

I was waiting for him to hang up but he didn't.

"You hang up." i say

"No you hang up." he replied.

"We're cray cray!" I giggled

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