Chapter 29: Hideous Truth

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"Why do you need to go to the pharmacy again?" Jo asked, his eyes are on the road.

"Ermm.. I'm late." I whispered.

His face turned white as he quickly pulled over at the side of the road. His eyes went wide.

"What??!"he said almost yelling at me, looking at me disappointedly

"What what?" I yelled back.

This is not the reaction I was expecting from him. Why does he looked so angry all of a sudden, disappointed even.

"Im sorry, I mean. Why didn't you tell me ASAP?" he asked in a calmer tone, he realized his initial reaction.

"Well, you were going through somethingz Plus I think Im fine. I just have to make sure. We were being safe anyway, I'm just late." i explained

What if Im pregnant?
Seeing Jo's reaction isnt good.
I dont think he'll take the responsibility.
I am so disappointed.
He was talking about marriage a couple of months ago.
yet the news of me being pregnant didnt seem to please him.

"Im sorry baby, Im just tired. Lets get you your p-test.Then I'll take you home." he said sweetly.

Change of mood, all of a sudden.


I was in the toilet early in the morning waiting for the result of my Ptest.
I'm so nervous.
What if Im really pregnant?
What am I gonna do?
What about my future?
What will Mom and Dad say?

I sat on the bathroom floor holding the stick.
Im shaking as I slowly turned it over.

There's only one line.
It's negative.
Im not having a baby yet.

I sighed in so much relief!
Thank Goodness!
I would love to have a baby but not now.
I have so many plans for my future.

I took a photo of the stick and sent it to Jo.

He instantly replied.
He too is relieved. He's actually very happy.
I was a bit disappointed but at the back of mind I said to myself that he's just being practical.
Dont make a big deal out of his reaction earlier Freya!
It's normal. I told myself.


"What time are you going to the hospital again?" Jo asked on the other line.

"Umm this afternoon, around 3pm. why?"

"Good, I mean. you be safe then yeah?" he said sounding baffled

"you going somewhere today?" I asked

"What? No, Im staying home today. Need to help mom clean the house. She's been bugging me about it so I guess Im stuck with her today." he chuckled, he sounds like he's nervous. Im just paranoid.

"Mkay, if you say so. I trust you." I reiterated the word "trust".

It took him a couple of seconds before he respond.

"I know.. Ermm. me too. ermm... I'll talk to you tonight, yeah tonight okay? i have to go." He stuttered.

He's in a hurry to finish our conversation. Thats new.

"Bye then."

I hang the phone up in annoyance.
He's became cold lately.
What the fuck is going on with him.
After his family matter thing he's been acting strange.
He better make sure he's not cheating on me.

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