Chapter 17: Unofficially yours

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"Lets not wake her up shall we? Shhh! be quiet." a familiar female voice whispered.

"Let's just sit down and wait for her to wake up." another familiar female voice said.

"Gee. She looked so pale. So diffrent from what she looked like last Sunday on Tv. She must be exhausted. Poor Freya." says by another female voice.

"If thats the prize of being famous then I dont want it anymore." someone added.

I slowly opened my eyes.
I can smell Joseph. He's here.
I scanned the room.
My friends are here too.
They're all in uniform.
The girls are  sitting on the bench together chatting while Joseph is sitting on the chair at the corner near the small dining table. His thighs wide open, his eyes on his shoes his elbows on his knees, his hands fisted together. He looks worried.

I fake a soft cough to get their attention then tried to sit up.
They all looked at me.
The girls ran towards me crowding me in bed. Covering Jo from my sight.

"Hey bitch! Are you okay? Gosh! you look so pale." Des said almost yelling at me.

"Calm down woman. Im alive. And please dont yell at me. My hearing is so sensitive right now." I answered with my husky voice as I sit up.

"We bumped into your sister this morning and she said you fainted yesterday just minutes after you came home. Gee girl you have so much going in your life your body's giving up on you." Glenn added.

"Hang on girls let's not crowd her, She looks so exhausted. By the way, we honestly dont want to disturb you but someone dragged us to come here with him so your Mom won't have a clue about you two." Selle said while giving way to Jo who's walking slowly towards me staring warily.

"Come on girls! Lets sit on the bench and give these sweethearts some room shall we?" Selle insisted grabbing the two by their elbows.

Jo sat beside me then he held my hand with both of his.

"Hi." he said softly. "I was so worried when Des told me youre here. Are you okay?"

I squeezed his hand. "You're here now. Why wouldn't I be?" I tried to calm him.

"God I missed you." He whispered then he kissed my hand looking at me sweetly.

I died.

"I missed you too. How are you? Howd you go during the storm?"

"yeah. were okay. The water didnt came inside the house otherwise I'll still be cleaning by now." he laughed a little.

I giggled. then I coughed.

"Shhh. As much as I miss your laugh I want you to rest. The whole class missed you. I miss you the most though." he whispered.

I smiled and held his hand tightly.

There was a knock on the door.
Jo lets go of my hand slowly put it on my stomach then he stood up beside Glenn.

Mom came inside with two guys. Theyre both wearing white coat.
Oh. The Doctors.

"Hi Freya. Im Dr Besa and This is my intern Dr Lopez. I hope you're feeling better now?"one of the male said. He looks so young. I glanced at the girls and they were giggling quietly. Glenn mouthed to me "He's hot!"

I smiled then looked at the Dr. "Im feeling well now Doc. Thank you."

"Well Im glad to hear that." he replied then both of them turned to face Mom.

"Mrs Wena, here are the prescriptions for her multivitamins and anti emetics. Keep her hydrated by making sure she drinks at least 2 Liters of water per day. Encourage her to eat a full meal three times a day. She needs to gain weight. She's 5 kilos underweight which is not serious but something to keep an eye on. She needs to come back and see me at my clinic downstairs in 2 weeks." Dr Besa said.

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