Chapter 12: Words Unsaid

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I waited and waited during the flag ceremony for Jo but he didn't showed up. The class has already started but no sign of him at all. Was he sick?

He rarely missed any of our class yet today he isn't here. It's the only the first week of September. I'm recalling inside my mind if any of his family might be celebrating a birthday that might've been the reason why he didn't come to school today.

I have this bad aura though. Something is up with him. He hasn't even replied to me when I text him  goodnight. He never does that.

Here I am, acting like a damn paranoid girlfriend and im not even the girlfriend!
Since when did I become so clingy like this to someone?
He's changed me and Im hating it.
I was bullying him for being a clingy boyfriend to Steph before and now look who's talking. Damn it!

I was in a bad mood the whole day. My mind wandered to someone who won't even send me one single text to ease my worry!

Before going home. The girls and I talked about everything with what's happening between me and Jo and Neil and Steph. They were shocked at first but were all very supportive. They advised me to just enjoy the feeling and the moment. Don't take things to seriously otherwise I'll just end up getting hurt all the time. They were really mad at Neil when I told them the details and how he threatened me.

I realized that they are right. I was so into the moment that I'm starting to  forget who I really am.  I wasn't affected by a guy like this before.

I took a deep breath and compose myself. Enough with the paranioia. I'll be fine. Jo can handle himself what ever he's going through right now that he chose not to tell me so I'll leave him be. That's his life. Not mine to meddle with.

I have a lot of things to think of right now and one of which are my upcoming singing competitions. Coach told me about a new singing contest that will be held 6 hours away from our town this coming weekend. It has 3 parts, preliminary, semi finals and the finals. The prize money is huge! Plus coach said there will be singing mentors and talent managers who will be judging that competition. If I get lucky, this might be the genesis of my career in the music industry. I told him I'll ask Mom first. Deep in my heart Im jumping with glee. I'll join the contest and I will win it!


"I wish we can eat here every night." Deya says with her mouth full. She's  munching on her burger.

"Don't talk when your mouth is full honey, you might choke!" Mom warned her.

Deya and I looked at each other then rolled our eyes giggling after.

I am halfway eating my tuna pie when Deya kicked my foot under the table. "Your prince charming is here." pointing her mouth behind me.

Mom and I looked where she was pointing at and saw Johnson and his mom walking towards us.

Johnson has a big crush on me since sophomore. He studies in a different school but  in the same town as mine. We met during one of the singing competitions 2 years ago. I won the title and he was the runner up. We had no idea her mom was a churchmate of my mom. They instantly became friends the same competition Johnson and I met,  when they were seated next to each other cheering for us.

Johnson is pretty cute. He's handsome but not as handsome as Jo. Where'd that came from?

Man, he can sing though. Like literally panty dropping kind of voice he has.

Mom actually likes him I can tell. Maybe she's just being biased because she's friends with his mom. But seeing Mom approves a boy to be friends with me for the first time? Geez, that's something!

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