Chapter 26: What Love Makes You Do

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The whole of my birthday dinner went well. Johnson and her mom along with Johnson's two younger brothers joined us too.

Mom has been bugging me to text Jo to join us but I told her, he cant because their house was literally full of relatives and he's been helping his mom cater.

I check Deya and make sure she's settled in bed before I head to mine.

I laid down in bed and it feels weird being alone here tonight after sleeping on it with Joseph last night.

I turned on my stomach then started texting my Beau. He's so busy he hasnt text me the whole day except when he called me in the morning to let me know he's finally home and that last night was the best night/ birthday he's ever had. Just like me!

Me: Hi baby. I hope everything is okay. Im going to sleep now. Need to catch up on some sleep since I didnt had much last night. Call me tomorrow? I love you.😘

I pressed send.

I looked at the time. it's already 9pm.
My eyes are getting heavier as I wait for Jo's reply..

I woke up with my phone buzzing on my hand.
There's a couple of consecutive texts from Jo.

I tried to read the first one with only one eye open.

Jo: Sleeping already? I miss you. Im sorry I had a very very long day I havent had the chance to call you. I actually just sat down now. Imy.

Jo: Cant sleep my relatives are drinking tonight. Theyre so noisy. I wish Im there beside you. xx

Jo: Hi baby. Steph and her family came by. You know theyre a family friend. My mom invited them for some karaoke and drinks. Theyre here now.

Jo: Ps. Im keeping my distance away from Steph. Ok. I hope you dont get mad when you wake up.

Jo: Love, My uncle has been bugging me to have a drink with them. Theyre so annoying so I said yes. I'll just drink a few glass then Im off to bed I promise.

Jo: Hi baby, I drank a few glass and now im a bit tipsy. I miss you.. so much. I miss your scent!

Jo: I loeve yuooo babbyy

Im sure he's already drunk on his last text.
Oh well, its christmas eve so why not.
Im not gonna stop him like im a mother to him.
Jo can enjoy himself.
I trust him.
I cant help but feel a little jealous about Steph being with him right now though.
No. No.
Trust your boyfriend Freya.
I'll text him tomorrow when he's sober.
Besides, I need more sleep.
Im still exhausted.
And sore.


"Merry Christmas!!" Mom yelled as I made my way down to the kitchen.

"Gee mom you have a lot if energy!" I sarcastically said to her

"Freya, its christmas! Cheer up, dont be such a killjoy?" mom respond

"Are you talking to me. Or to yourself?" I rolled my eyes.

She laughed. "I can be cool sometimes you know"

"Fine fine. Im starving." I reply

"Call Deya and we'll have breakfast. Come on!" she instructed

I groaned. "M'kayyyyyyyyyy" I lazily went upstairs to wake my sister up.

I was just about to knock on her door when I heard her talking on the phone.

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