Chapter 33: I'll be okay

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"hey asshole. what you doing in here?" Jude yelled at joseph

"What the fuck did you just called me?" joseph yelled back as he made his way towards us across the street

"Your face is so fucking thick to come here and show yourself to you ex girlfriend hey?" jude added

"I dont know what youre talking about dickhead. Freya come here!" he was about to grab my hand when Jude pulled me towards him

Not again.
I have to get away from here.

"I have no fucking idea what you're talking about but dont fucking touch my girlfriend." Joseph held my other hand while the other is in jude's.

Am i in a movie?

I looked at both of them. Im starting to get dizzy.

"You're having your own child now what else do you want from Freya?! Sex?? is that it?? Your Ex girlfriend can definitely give that to you, cant she?!" Jude yelled back pulling me closer to him.

Joseph was shocked.
He let go of my hand.
He took a couple of steps back.
His eyes and mouth were open.

"Come on dickhead. Explain it right now. Freya is too kind to even yell at you. She saw you at the fucking hospital with her. Yet she never told you because she doesnt want to add anymore problem to your complicated life. She thought of your feelings above all before she even realized you fucking broke her heart into pieces! She loved you that much she had nothing left for herself. And now you're here, bothering her again?! You dont deserve her, you fuckin cheater!" Jude added.

I am trembling.
Everything Jude said was true.
I was too inlove with Joseph that I cant even get mad and yell at him.
I looked at Jo and he's looking at me.
tears are welling in his eyes.
I looked away.

"You have no fucking idea what you lost man! Now get out of here before I tell Freya's mom how dickhead you are for cheating on her daughter when all she did was to love you with all she has!" jude yelled

I turned my back on Joseph I dont want him to see me cry.
I head to Jude's car.
Jude followed me and off we went.
I started sobbing.
Jude put his free hand on my lap, squuezing my thighs to comfort me while he drives.
I thought Im fine already
yet after hearing again what Jo did to me
I lost it.

"Hush now.. Youve been crying for days. Im sorry I just cant help myself when i saw your dickhead Ex, face to face!" Jude said as he pulled over in front of their farm. Glenn's farm.

"Im sorry, I couldnt think straight when youre crying so I thought I'll just bring you here." he added

l look up at him and try to smile

"Dont be hypocrite! you looked ugly when you try to fake a smile after you cried!" he snap

I chuckled.

"Thats better." he replied

"Thank you." i said

"For coming to save me from him."

"Anytime kid. I dont know what you have but you made me care for you. I —- its weird." he said

"Like a younger sister." i replied

"ermm. Yeah.. I... I guess so." he said baffled

"Thanks old man." I chuckled as I wipe the tears in my eyes.


"So you took me here to help you load hays ha?" I asked while loading a hay on the tractor

"Yeah. you want a distraction. There you have it. I bet once you come home you'll be sleeping like a log!" he yelled while carrying 4 stacks of hays at the same time. He's wearing a white single, ragged denim pangs and some working boots.

"Youre a lunatic!" I yelled back and we started laughing.

I called Mom and said Glenn needed my help urgently.
She said Joseph has left and said he also had an emergency at home.
Johnson and his mom are still there having karaoke with her.

I had dinner at Glenn's place.
She cant believe Joseph came to my house.
I told her everything.
She's happy with my friendship with his cousin.
I assured her its more of a brother / sister relationship
although she gave me a weird smile as if Jude and I are more than that
She assured me she's happy how im holding up with everything thats happened to me.

My purple heart that used to be so happily in love is gone.
It's been beaten and bruised.
It's been shattered and broken.

One day it will be whole again.
I dont know how long will it take to heal, but I will guard it as long as I can and will only open it again once I meet the one who will never, ever break it.
One day.
One day.

****************The end*******************

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