Chapter 22: What are the Odds?

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"I have to wear shorts." I say to the girls. Des is fixing my hair while Glenn and Selle are putting some make up on.

"No, your butt is so sexy, why cover it? Besides, Youre wearing a bathing suit. Thats what Jo wants right?" Des answered

"Yeah,but he also said I have to wear shorts.
This is the most exposed outfit Ive ever worn since we started dating. Im always wearing skinny jeans, tee shirt and converse. Thats how he likes to see me dressed lately." i explained.

"He's such an old school. I understand he's being selfish but girl we're young, we have to at least live a life for once. I'll have a go at him when he says something. I'll back u up!" Des exclaimed.
I laugh.

"Here, put some red lipstick on. That Neil will drool once he see you tonight. That cleavage and ass of yours will be the death of him!" Glenn added

"Im not dressing up tonight to impress my stupid Ex, girls. I have a boyfriend now." I said

"we know. But the way he insulted you not long while ago is unforgivable!" Selle interrupted.

I agree! my inner goddess yelled.

Im wearing a mustard yellow floral frill bathing suit.
My boobs are really getting bigger coz last time I wore this, I have no cleavage but now, Its like im wearing a push up bra.
I put on a white short for my boyfriends peace of mind. 
Though its not of help coz it's super duper short.
I tied my hair in a ponytail but left my fringe hangin on one side of my forehead.
I applied a little mascara,cheek tint and a red lipstick that taste like cherry.
I looked pretty.
much much better that what I looked like with Jo's oversize shirt!

It's already 6:45,
the boys said they'll pick us up together with all the girls and we'll head to the the party together.
We can already hear the loud music coming from the pool side to our tent.
I looked around.
My friends slash classmates look different not wearing their uniforms.
I can see cleavages, bare shoulders and sexy buttoms.
I glanced at Kim.
She's wearing a red two piece and a white Kimono.
She has a nice shape, her bust is bigger than mine but her butt is flat.
I smirked.
I wonder what will Jo think of what she's wearing.

"Knock! Knock! Anyboday home?" a male voice yelling outside our tent. I think is Ezel.

They're here!
All of us girls giggled excitedly.

Sir Yase is the only teacher attending the party. Well apart from he's the youngest teacher that came along to this trip, he's only 26. He'll be our lookout Ms Martinez said earlier.

I quickly sprayed perfume all over me!
Des faked a cough and give me a funny look.we both giggled as we make our way out of the tent.

Jo appeared out of nowhere in front of me. I gasped.

"Hi sexy!" he says while eyeing at me from head to toe.

"So what do you say?" i spin around

"not too bad huh?" i added

"Uhmm." he gulped

He's looking in the middle of my chest.
He shakes his head and look back into my eyes.

"Yeah, yeah.. I mean its a little.. uhmm that'll be fine. Lets just stick together the whole time. okay?" he glared at me.

I giggled and nod. He took his hand hiding behind him.

"For you." as he handed me a red flower.

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