Chapter 4: The Closer I get

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It was the day of Nutrition Month Celebration. My arms were full of bags containing ingredients, kitchenwares and costumes.. almost everything my classmates and i needed for all the competitions we are joining.

I volunteered to join the cookfest this year for a change. Along with me are Andrea, Raisa and Kryzzia. The rest of the competition's contestants will be organized by Glenn while I'm busy. Selle and Des too were already at the venue where the Nutri jingle will be starting in an hour.

I was already halfway walking to put all the kitchenwares needed on my team's selected spot when Joseph came out of nowhere and grabbed everything that's hanging on my arms. "You're such a martyr! You should've called me you idiot!" he snapped at me looking like I've done something wrong.

"Woahhhhhh, woaahh looks like someone's having a bad day already?" I sarcastically answered rolling my eyes at him while I followed him putting all the things he grabbed from my arm down on the table assigned for my team. "No im not!" he denied, "you have too much pride in you, you dont know how to ask help, i wasn't doing anything then I saw walking like a penguin carrying all these things on your little arms." he added.

" Its because I can manage, Sir. I may be small but hey I've got strong arms! Gosh it's so freakin early, stop being an ass will you? I'm in the best mood today so please don't ruin it." I sarcastically begged him while I turned my back and start organizing the plates and glasses on the table one by one.

"Uhhh huh. And why is that, Madame? Dont tell me you finally got laid?" he smirked at me.

"What the?! You're such an asshole! Even if I did it's not a big deal nowadays anymore. hashtag innocent no more." I said jokingly biting my lip to stop myself from laughing with what I just said. "What did you say?" he instantly replied in firm voice.

I can't see his face as I kept myself busy fixing the table cloth when I heard him walking towards me. "hey chubbycheeks! did you heard me?" he asked again loudly this time.

"I heard you the first time." I groaned and rolled my eyes again at him. "I've just spent time with Neil, that's all. You should be proud of me.I took your advise with all my heart. Im just trying to be a committed girlfriend." I told him still holding my laugh. He turned me around to face him , his hands holding me tightly on my elbows looking very worried with what I just revealed.

He looked into my eyes deeply like he was looking for some validation then he laughed shaking his head in disbelief and I burst out laughing at him and said "Gotcha!!" Hahaha! I was just kidding, you prick!" I added holding my stomach while I continued laughing so hard.

"I was joking with the award thing you know. So what now? you went out on a date with Neil after I told how weird of a girlfriend you are?" he continued to tease me laughing but quietly this time.

"Not a date exactly, he picked me up last Monday after class. I stayed at his place for an hour. I didn't wanna go at first but then you suggested that I should at least spend some time with him, and so I did. It actually went pretty well. He's become sweet you know. a bit touchy now unlike before. I think that's what being in college does to you." I answered.

"What do you mean?" he asked again with his left brow raised then he lets go of my elbows then signalled using his head that we sit on the floor while we continue with our chat.

"Urgh, Cookfest is starting in 2 hours can I tell you all the details later instead?" I told him and was about to continue on fixing the table when he grabbed me forcefully by my elbow and guided me to sit down slowly next to him so were face to face with our crossed knees touching.

He gave me a cold stare then he crossed his arms. " Ugggghhh! Fine! you're like a big brother scolding me you know!" I sighed putting both of my hands to my face in frustration. " It was just a little quality time, boyfriend/girlfriend thing." i embarassly admiited.

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