7. First Dream

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« Le rêve est la petite porte cachée dans le sanctuaire plus profond et plus intime de l'âme, qui s'ouvre à la nuit cosmique primordiale qu'était l'âme bien avant il soit un esprit conscient. »

Karl Gustav Jung


Am i dreaming ? I'm feeling i'm born in a body unknown, dusts of orgones, maybe i'm re-born ? Some parts of my past wants to well up. I don't even recognise the world. I'm dreaming in a language i merely understand. I feel i was somebody else but i don't remember. I see faces and places like a déjà-vu. Who am I if i passed through corps ? How could i be something without memory ? Who am I if I am not this body I am ? Who is this conscience I am ? Do i have a conscience or do i am a conscience ? What am i ? What is « I » ? Am I « I » ?

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