Chapter 3

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"And now our next speech is given by our amazing valedictorian Krystal Jacobson!" Our principal says smiling into the microphone.

Well here goes nothing, guess it's time for the truth to come out and for my best friends to hate me.

"Hello everybody, wow i cannot believe that i am standing here in front of everybody giving the goodbye speech. Well first I am just so proud of all of us for getting thru these four years of high school. I know we have had our ups and downs and lost friendships and relationships but we have also gained new friends that we call our best friends" I start tearing up while saying this because I am about to tell everyone where I am going "We all our a family. A family with many talents and stories together that we will never forget. Yes we will be splitting apart and going to other colleges and leaving people behind" I sniffle & continue reading "People will be going to colleges out of state or here or studying abroad ... like me, taking an art scholarship in Australia" I spoke shakily into the microphone. All i could see were Ally and Raegan with there mouths wide open, looking like they were about to either cry or kill me. I am just hoping everything turns out okay.

"HOW COULD YOU NOT TELL US YOU LITTLE BITCH!" I knew who's voice that was screaming at me when we left the gym, it was Ally's voice sounding like she was going to bawl but then again i think she was going to kill me.

"I AM SORRY FOR NOT TELLING YOU GUYS BUT I WAS SCARED AND WORRIED THAT YOU WOULD OVER REACT AND FREAK OUT AND LEAVE ME" i said choking on sobs and having my eyes water while sitting behind the gym building. "WELL WE ARE FREAKING OUT BECAUSE OUR BEST FRIEND FOR 8 YEARS IS LEAVING US TO GO TO SOME OTHER FUCKING CONTINENT!" that's when i heard Raegan sobbing right after those words came out of her mouth. I couldn't help but run to her and wrap her into a tight hug sobbing with her. After a couple seconds i felt Ally's warm skin wrap around us and say "It's going to be okay, we're best friends, we will make it" that's when i realized i had the best friends in the world and that no one will ever replace them no matter where i am.

After a few minutes of crying and hugging everyone I asked Ally and Raegan if they wanted to stay at my house and come with me to the airport when i leave in two days & thank god they said yes because I would've died without saying goodbye to them.

Later that night we stayed up watching netflix and eating junk food and crying every now and then and saying how we wont ever lose contact. But just hearing those words made me wonder if we were going to lose touch and never talk to each other again and what if they forget about me and don't care about me. But I can't think about bad things, only happy things.

Next thing i knew it was 2 in the morning and we were passed out laying all over each other with Mean Girls playing on my tv and the junk food wrappers all around us and a pizza box at our feet.

goodbye [luke hemmings]Where stories live. Discover now