Chapter 32

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I woke up with white walls surrounding me and the beeping of a heart monitor. There were needles in my arms and band aids around my wrists. I obviously couldn't have come here because of my cuts?

That's when everything came flooding back. Cal and I were at the mall shopping and then we saw Kat and Bryan. I started freaking out and I must've had a panic attack because after that I don't remember what happened.

A few seconds later I heard the door open. Im came my four best friends and boyfriend. Haley ran over to me and hugged me; I flinched but then hugged her back crying. I don't know why we're crying but just by seeing Bryan and Kat made me so scared.

An older looking man; around mid fourties came into my room.

"Hello Krystal, I'm Dr. Shepard. It's nice to see you're awake. Can you answer a few questions for me?" he asked me.

I tried to say yes out of my mouth but my throat is so dry. I pointed to the water bottle in Ashton's hand and he handed it to me quickly. I drank more than half of the water and said "Yes." with a scratchy voice.

"Okay. Well first off, do you know where you are?" Dr. Shepard asked pulling out a pen to write on his clipboard.

"Mhmm" I said. Not wanting to speak, afraid I might cry again.

"Good. Do you remember what happened?" he asked clicking his blue pen.

I nodded. Feeling the tears swell up in my eyes. Haley gave my hand a tight squeeze. I don't know why I'm letting Kat and Bryan have this effect on me but I hate it. They know I'm weak, especially Kat.

"Krystal. I know you probably don't want to tell me but I need you to so we can figure out why you had this panic attack." Dr. Shepard said with worry in his eyes.

"I-I was shopping with Cal" I looked at Luke who looked scared and worried "And we saw two people who sadly scare the shit out of me. Kat and Bryan. We saw them and they looked at us and smiled and I thought they were going t-to come over and hurt u-us." by now the tears were already coming down my face and Luke rushed over and held me. "Cal pulled me into another store and I fell to the floor and my breathing was uneven and my head was dizzy and I was shaking and then I blacked out." I said gripping onto Luke's shirt and nuzzling into the crook of his neck.

"Thank you Krystal. I'm going to need to run a few tests. Dr. Grey here will get everything I need from you." he said with a smile before walking out and leaving me with the woman doctor. She walked over and told Luke to get off the bed so she can get the blood out of my arms.

Once everything was done and Dr. Grey left the room was silent. No one said anything and it was awkward and I hated being in awkward situations.

Mikey decided to speak first. Thank god. "Are you ok now Krys?" he asked still a little worried.

I nodded and turned to Haley. "How's the baby?" I asked. Not wanting to talk about me anymore.

Haley's frown turned into a huge smile. She moved her hair out of her face and said "The baby's ok. She kicked a little while ago. Cal was freaking out." she started laughing and so did the rest of us. Ash started mimicking what Calum was doing and it was hilarious.

Three hours seemed like three days. All we've done is watched How I Met Your Mother on the small hospital television. Luke and I were cuddled together on my hospital bed when Dr. Shepard walked in with some papers in his hands and a medicine bottle.

Everyone turned to him and he giggled a little now that all of our attention was on him.

"So Krystal. It turns out that you have panic attacks over seeing anything surprising and when anyone or anything makes any loud sounds randomly." he said walking over and standing in the front of my bed.

I nodded, telling him to continue.

"Here is a prescription for medication to help with these so you stop getting them or they aren't bad enough for you to come to the hospital. You take two of these a day on an empty stomach and only drink water when you take these. Any other drink will do harm to you." he said quite seriously.

I nodded again tracing patterns on Luke's hands.

"Now I need you to sign these discharge papers and you'll be free to go." he said with a small smile.

I took the papers and his blue pen and signed my name on the lines he told me to sign.

Luke took me back to the dorms to grab some clothes and beauty things so that I could stay with him for awhile. I already had a crap load of stuff over there so I just grabbed some bras and panties and some more jeans and sweaters.

I also grabbed Luke's Christmas present. Oh yeah I made the guys go get his present. Cal told me what he really wanted but thanks to being in the hospital I couldn't get it. So when Luke went to get food I handed them the money and they left and brought it back here. I just had to make sure Luke wouldn't see it.

I walked back out and stuffed everything in the trunk of my car.

"Babe? I'm gonna take my car to your apartment so then I can drive myself to work and school if your busy." I said to Luke.

"Yeah ok love. Just follow me, alright?" he said.

I nodded and hopped into my car to drive to Luke's house.

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