Chapter 3

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I woke up and saw the sun coming up in the distance and stretch my body before getting up. I move between the people and walk down to the edge of the water.

I start collecting anything I can and threw it in one heap on the sand. We can sort everything out later. I hear people talking and turned to the sound and saw that people were waking up, but I turn back to the task at hand and gather more things we could use.

My head still hurts like crap, so when I bend down to collect more things, I went dizzy for a minute or so. "You should let me look at your head," I hear a female's voice behind me and I nearly jumped out of my skin. "Sorry, I didn't mean to startle you. I saw you down here and came to offer my assistance, but I think I should look at your head first."

I walked out of the water and sat down on the sand and found out the female's name is Hanna and she's a doctor in training, also that she's the one who helped out the day before. She examined my head and told me that I have a nasty bump on the head, but luckily no bleeding.

We sat there for a while, just looking out over the water. "Do you think someone is out there looking for us," she asked me.

"Who knows, if the aircraft went off course, it would be more difficult for any rescue team to trace where the plane went down, but for now, we need to stay positive and find a way to survive on this island."

I got up off the sand and Hanna follows me. I point towards the plane. "The plane is still above the water, so we need to get to it and try and get as much as we can from it." She looks at me with a frown on her face. "I hope you not planning to swim out alone, because it would be to dangerous, aspecially with your head injury."

I shake my head at her and stop as it hurts. "No, I'm gonna get some of the strong swimmers to go out later. We need to see if there is any food or anything else we could use." It won't help if  everyone starts panicking, so its better to rather come up with a plan and work together with the other survivors, as we don't know how long we would be here.

We walked back to the others and everyone was waking up. I walk towards Matt and told him about the plane and he promised to get some guys to help him swim out. He didn't want me to go out in the water. He said that the people who wasn't strong swimmers could help bring up the things I've already collected earlier and they could search for more things.

"Matt, we need to get to the suitcases, as there could be things we could all use." I think to the packets of candy and other things inside my case that I bought for dad and Conner's mom. A sadness came over me when I think that Conner might be lying died somewhere or he could be seriously hurt. How would I break the news to his parents. They would be devastated as Conner was their only child.

Matt pulled me into his arms and whispered that everything would work out and I saw over his shoulder that Hannah was standing to one side, watching us, so I moved away from Matt and called her over.

Hannah told me that one of the survivors have past away during the night and that five others were still critical and without some sort of medication, they would die as well.

We need to carry the body away as far as possible from where we are and bury him. I'm not gonna die on this island, so we need to get moving. I called out to everyone for their attention.

"I know you all feel lost and a lot of you have lost someone close to you, but I need some of the stronger swimmers to go out into the water again to the wreckage and get everything you can. We need food urgently and some water and any medical supplies you can find. Some of you will help me carry up everything I found at the water's edge earlier and bring it closer to the camp. We have to stand together and help each other in order to survive."

I look towards Hanna and told her that I need her to stay at the campsite to help those injured and she nods her head. After that, some of the men carried the body some distance away and start digging a hole with their bare hands. Everyone just look on with sadness. After a while they came back, then we formed groups to who does what. We had two kids around the age of ten who was amongst the survivors, so I told them to stay with Hannah.

For hours we carried up everything we could and helped out the people that came from the plane with the things they found. We all know that we couldn't carry on all day, as it was physically impossible. As the last guys came out of the water, we stood by the edge to give them a hand and I smiled when I saw them carrying crates full of bottled water, a bag of candy, nuts and thank goodness, a first-aid kit. Although it was a small one, it could help.


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