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"Jake, get back here, so I can clean you up," I hear dad call out to my little boy. Conner thought it was an excellent idea to name our son after the man who was so special to me. My son was nearly two years old and full of energy.

I hear Megan's laugh as she came into the room. "Don't worry, his aunt Megan will have him clean in no time." She picks up my little boy and start blowing bubbles on his tummy, which made him laugh out loud. Jake looks at Megan and touch the side of her cheek with his sticky hand. "Aunt Meg, I wuv you so much." I see tears in her eyes, while she holds Jake to her and tells him that she loves him too and I look away quickly.

The first six month after we were rescued have been tough. I stood next to Megan when we had a proper funeral for Jake and he was buried on the grounds by the lake house next to his wife. Megan kept the property in memory of her parents and sold one of the other houses to move closer. In fact, she stays a ten minute drive from me and Conner, but spends a lot of her time here, aspecially since little Jake was born.

Now she looks at me and smile. "You are looking so beautiful Maddie. Conner's eyes will pop out of his head." I smiled back at her and told her that is the idea, which made her laugh. We repeating our wedding vows today, then we going away for two month. I wasn't happy about going away for so long, but Conner told me that I would love what he has planned, so I can't wait to know what he was up to. All I know is that we going on a boat.

Dad moved in with me and Conner and he will be taking care of Jake while we away and Conner's parents will help out as well.

"Honey, are you ready," I hear him ask me and I nod my head, so he takes my hand. I walk inside the church and froze on the spot, my eyes burning with unshed tears. The church were packed with all the survivors. After I've composed myself, I walk down the isle and right infront was a big poster of Jake.

After the reading of the vows, there was a reception for everyone and then it was time for us to leave. Everyone went down to the boat club and I couldn't understand why, until Conner brought out the biggest surprise of all, which had me in tears.

"Maddie, remember when I told you about the property I bought for you before the crash. I never got to show it to you, but before I show you, I've decided to invite everyone who was on the island with us, as well as Megan." I look at Conner with my mouth hanging open. I forgot all about it. He takes some papers from a bag and hands it to me.

The property was actually a small island with a three story house on it, as well as a penthouse. "The place has generators running full time and gas stoves. There was also a place for a helicopter to land, in case we need anything. We can also keep in contact with our parents and Jake."

Before Conner could continue, I grabbed him and kissed him and everyone cheered. We break apart and laughed. "Ok you guys, we all excited to get to the island, so keep your smoothing for then."

I looked and Conner and gave him one more quick kiss. I love you so much, my possessive husband."

The end

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