Chapter 6

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I feel arms wrap around my body and was pulled out of the water. Tears were streaming down my face as I sobbed uncontrollably while hearing Matt's voice close to my ear. "Sshh... Everything will be ok, calm down now little one."

I pushed against his chest while still sobbing and took the sleeve from my sweater I have on and wiped my eyes, then looked up at Matt.

"She's only a little girl Matt and her life was taken away from her." I turn away from him and saw that someone brought down one of the smaller blankets and they were busy wrapping the small body with it. Another sob broke through my body and Matt puts his arms around me and pulled me into his arms. I see two guys digging a grave a distance away from our campsite, then Jake picked up the little body and carried her towards the grave.

We all follow him slowly and I look at the other survivors. No one knew who the little girl was, but everyone felt the same loss, the same helplessness. Tears were running down my face as the girl's body was put into the grave and Jake said a few words, then the other two guys who dig the grave stepped forward to close the grave.

A few minutes later people start moving away, but I stayed next to the unknown little grave. I move out of Matt's arms and looked up at him. "M..Matt...I need a few moments to myself, if you don't mind."

"Maddie...I don't think its a good idea for you to be by yourself now." I look back at him. "Matt please, just go, I will be fine, I just need to be alone right now."

I could see the uncertainty in his eyes, but he nods his head at me and walked away. I sigh and turned back towards the grave. How many bodies will we still see coming out of the water. Why should this little innocent girl die at such a young age. Tears were running down my face and I look around me. I  start collecting stones and a few branches when I felt a presence behind me and saw Hanna standing there awkwardly.

"I'm sorry if I've startled you, but I wanted to know if you need any help." She didn't wait for an answer from me, but instead she went down on her knees and in silence we pack the stones around the small grave and made a small cross from two pieces of plank. We sit for a while, both of us with our own thoughts.

We leave the little grave together and joined the rest of the people. I could feel people's eyes following me as we came closer, but decided to ignore it. I don't need to see their pain.

I walk to where Matt were standing and took a deep breath before talking. "We need to carry on exploring the island and find some food and water, otherwise we would starve out here. We don't know how long we would be here before rescue would come."

Matt nods at me and we decided to take two guys with us into the woods. Some people were to go down to the water and bring back anything that might of washed out. Hanna was to stay with the injured and the older people will help her and look after the two children. Someone will also take some stones to put an SOS on the beach, big enough for someone to spot from the air.

I take a few plastic bags we found and some empty water bottles, just in case we find anything. I make sure that everybody gets something small to eat and gave them some water. I take some water for us to take with, as we don't know how far we had to go.

We walked about a mile from the camp into the woods and made sure to mark our path, so not to get lost, when one of the men whistles. There right infront of us were rows and rows of oranges. We decided to make a note to come back  and pick some. Matt picked a few oranges, so we could eat some now.

A short distance from the juicy fruit, we found some coconut trees. We walk past it, further into the woods, when I spotted some rabbits running. before I could react though, I saw movement go past me and one of the men killed a rabbit instantly with a hunting knife, then caught three more. I look towards Matt and he had the same shocked look on his face for the fast movements of the guy. The guy smiles awkwardly at us and told us that he used to hunt with his dad a lot and that he was on his way to meet his dad for another hunting trip when the plane crashed. We learned that his name was Benjamin or Ben for short.

I take out one of the empty packets and gave it to him to put the dead rabbits inside and asked him if he knew how to set traps, which he could do easily, so I told him that he should be in charge of hunting while we on the island.

We walked for about another thirty minutes when we heard the sound of water. We looked at each other, laughed and run in the direction of the sound and found the waterfall. I clap my hands like a little child and rush towards the water. We all took off our shoes and sat down with our feet in the water for a short while, then decided to fill the empty bottles and walk back to the camp.

We picked some of the coconuts and filled another bag with oranges, while Ben sets a few small traps with sticks and leaves, before making our way back to the others. Tomorrow we would explore a little further to see what else is on the island.


I hope you like my story so far. Don't forget to vote and to follow me.


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