Chapter 35

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Christmas is only one day away. I feel sad that I don't get to spend it with my dad, as we have spend our birthdays and Christmas's together every year as long as I can remember.

The last two days Conner would disappear who knows where, for hours at a time. I haven't question him about it, because I need to trust him as well. The only thing I could think of is that he is planning something for Christmas. I saw him and Matt walking down to the beach earlier and they were there for a while, but came back laughing and joking around. I guess they had solved their differences.

I'm just happy that all of those who had food poisoning, recovered completely. We have all bonded with each other and shared stories of our life's before the crash. Ben and a few guys went hunting this morning and came back with a massive wild pig, some pumpkin, corn and a few chickens. The chickens were still alive, so we keeping them for eggs or if we should run out of food. Oh, how good would a piece of dad's Christmas pies  have tasted right now. He knew it was my favourite since I was a little girl, so he made sure there was pie over the Christmas holidays.

Most of the people went for an afternoon nap, so they would feel rested tonight when we will have a bonfire on the beach. We've decided not to mourn our losses, but instead to embrace it. It has been hard on all of us to be cut off from the rest of the world and a third of us has lost a love-one in the crash. I rub my hand over my slightly swollen belly. My biggest worry is to have the baby here on the island without any medical help. What if something goes wrong.

By late afternoon everyone was in high spirit to enjoy their evening and just before the sun went down, some of the guys went down to the beach and started the fire. We started joining them on the beach and took some blankets and spread them on the sand. Soon the food were brought down and I saw Matt carrying the guitar. I walked up to him and asked him if he had seen Conner anywhere. He told me that Conner would join us later, as he was busy with something.

"What do you mean by him being busy. This is a evening that we should all be together. I really thought that he wanted things to work between us, but I guess I was wrong." Matt looks at me with disappointment. "You being very unfair Maddie. Conner is really trying to make things right. Don't be so quick to judge him without knowing the reason for his absence."

"I'm sorry Matt, I didn't mean to say those things about Conner. I know he is really trying to make things right." He hugs me lightly and told me to join them around the fire, so I did, but my mind kept on going back to where Conner could be. Hannah came to sit with me and we started talking. She tells me how she normally spend Christmas with her family, but went on a small group tour last year, that is the reason she couldn't spend Christmas with them last year. Her parents was a bit sad, but they understood that she wanted some time to travel before starting her first year at th hospital.

I told her that we have spend time with dad and Conner's parents, as well as Matt last year and left the day after Christmas, because of a meeting Conner had and that we were on our way back home, when the plane crashed. Soon, people started joining in on our conversation and told us what they normally do on Christmas.

Later in the evening, Matt started playing Christmas songs on the guitar and everyone joined in on the singing, while some of the guys prepared the food. What the hell is keeping Conner that he can't even join in on the activities. I started loosing interest as well and looked around instead. It was about an hour before midnight when I saw him coming towards me, carrying a bag. The moment I saw him, I got up and ran towards him.

Conner quickly puts down the bag when he saw me coming towards him and caught me in his arms. "I'm so happy that you could make it," I said to him before pulling him closer.

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