Chapter 37

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We walked back to the bonfire and Matt stopped playing the guitar when he sees us and called for everyone's attention.

People stopped with what they were doing and moved closer. Conner pulls me by the hand lightly to stand next to him where Matt was sitting. "Guys, I'm not really one for speeches, although I'm a businessman." He laughs when people started cracking jokes. "I know you all know me as Maddie's husband and..." Before he could continue, some of the guys joked and asked if he means Maddie's whipped husband and he laughs again.

"Anyway, I just wanted to say in front of witnesses that I love Maddie with my heart and soul and I will always love her. She has made me a better person and taught me what love really feels like. When we get off the island, I want to prove to Maddie and our baby that I will be a loving husband and father to them." He turns to me and smiled, while wiping tears from my face. I haven't even realised that I was crying.

"No more tears my love. You should have a smile on your face everyday, for the rest of your life." More tears ran down my face and Conner gently kissed them away. "I love you so much Maddie and when we get back home, I wanna marry you all over again, but this time it will be a proper wedding and I want everyone here to be there with us." I smiled through my tears at him. "Conner, the only problem with all this is that we don't know how long we will be stranded on this island. For all we know, we might never be rescued."

He looks at me and bend down to pick up the bag he gave Matt earlier. "I forgot to give you and everyone the good news. I've been working everyday a little bit on it, that is why you haven't seen much of me, but earlier tonight I made a breakthrough. I've managed to get the radio fixed and I've send out for help."

I hear gasps all around me, but my mind was focused on what Conner have just said. "Conner, are you telling me that help is on its way, that we going home." He nods his head. "Yeah baby, the rescue team will be here at daybreak. They letting the families know that there was still survivors, but that's not the only news I have for you and some of the other survivors." I look at him confused and he takes the radio out of the bag and turned it on.

For a few seconds I hear scratching coming through the radio and then I hear a voice I've thought I would never hear again. "Mm..Maddie, are you there." I fell to my knee's infront of the radio and Conner was immediately by my side, but my mind was only focused on the voice. " it really you. Please tell me I'm not dreaming." I hear him laugh. "Baby, its me, the rescue team is getting ready right now and should be there very early. I  have never given up on you. With the help of Conner's parents, we haven't stopped searching. Maddie, I want you to know that I love you and will see you soon, but some of the other survivors have family here who would love to hear their voices."

I quickly said my goodbyes to dad and Conner helps me get up. I hear Ben talking to someone and couldn't help the smile when I see him tear up like a baby. The female sounded like his mom. I start walking away to give the people whose families is on the other end, a chance to speak to them.

Conner followed slowly behind me as I walked down to the water. For a few seconds I look out over the water. Gosh, I never thought I'm gonna say this, but I'm going to miss this place so much. I turn around and look at Conner and saw him watching me with hooded eyes. I step in his arms and lay my head against his chest, while he strokes my hair lightly.

I look up into his eyes. "Conner, if you ever wanted to prove to me that you have changed, you just gave me the proof. I love you so much that words are not enough to explain it. You are my everything and I am honoured to be your wife." In a flash Conner's lips was on mine and he kiss me with hunger. The kiss went on and on until we were both breathless.

A few minutes later I ask him about the radio and he told me that they have put the families of the survivor's on a private line to speak to their loved ones. We walk back to the others after a while and everyone decided to pack their things they wanna take home with them. When I'm done with my packing, Conner took my bags from me and I told him that I would join him in a minute.

I walk down to Jake and Chloe's graves and sat down. "Jake, we going home and as I promised you, I'm gonna find Megan, but I'm taking you back home with us, as well as Chloe, so her mom can give her a decent funeral." I got up after a while and saw Conner waiting for me.

Together we joined the rest of the survivors on the sand and waited until we saw the choppers in the distance and everyone jumped up and waved their arms.

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