Chapter 8

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The next day we got up and everyone helped around the camp. We ate something, then collected empty bottles to get more water. Today we taking a few more people with us to show them where the waterfall was and also to show them where the fruit trees were.  We took all the backpacks that we found and empty them. It would be easier to move around if we carry the things on our back.

While walking through the woods, we found three more rabbits and a small wild pig. We decided to keep the pig alive until its big enough, so one of the guys put some rope around its body and let it walk with us. We showed them where we have made the marks to find the things and we also took them to the waterfall.

We explore a bit more, but made sure to stick close to each other. We decided to call it a day, as we wanna try and teach some of the people to catch fish with the self-made spears. While walking, I trip over something and saw a big plastic crate. The sea must of washed it out. I smiled when I saw that the crate was still in a good condition and it would be great to use it when catching some crabs. It would be great to  stock up on food.

When walking back to the campsite, we pick some more fruit and fill up the rest of the bags. Tomorrow we can go in a different direction to see what else is on the island. Who knows what else we could find.

Days turned into a week that we were stranded on the island and everyday our hopes to get rescued or that there were any other survivors, got lesser. We would rather concentrate on survival. It was on the eight's day on the island that Ben caught a massive wild pig in one of the traps and killed it instantly. We laughed and cheered, then decided to go back to camp. Tonight everyone could have a big piece of meat with spicy rice. 

As we came out of the bushes, the little boy Johnny came running towards us and shouted that there were more survivors. I look at Matt, then we all hurry towards the campsite. We got closer and when I saw Conner amongst them, my knees gave in and Matt was quick to catch me from behind and he whispered to me to take a deep breath.

The look on Conner's face when he saw Matt's arms around me was murderous. He walked towards us and that's when I saw him limping badly, so instinct took over and I remove myself from Matt's arms and walked to Conner to see to his injuries, but of course being Conner, he push my hands away from him.

"Conner, stop being foolish and let me look at your leg," but again he moves out of my reach. "You know what, if you wanna act like a complete idiot, then suit yourself," I said and walked past him to the rest of the survivors. I look back once to see Matt trying to help him, but Conner must of said something harsh to him, as I hear Matt saying "suit yourself" and he followed after me.

We learned that only six people survived in the front part of the plane. There was a woman and her young daughter that had serious injuries, but Hannah has already taken care of them and she gave all six of them something to eat and some water. 

One of the survivors told us that they were ten people that survived, but unfortunately four of them died from their injuries on the island. He also told us that they saw the smoke from our campsite six days ago and that they knew it could only be more survivors, so they followed it.

While talking to the people, my eyes go back to Conner and I could see that he was in a lot of pain. I see Matt walk over to him and tried to help him, but again Conner blew him off and that's when I snapped and I picked up one of the first-aid kits and marched towards him.

"The hell with you and your stubbornness, I get it that you don't want to be near me or Matt, but tough luck buddy, we are on this island together and you need medical attention."

I pull Conner down on the sand and he was looking at me in shock, but I ignored him and ripped his pants open below the knee and nearly puked when I see the big gash in his leg. I open the kit  and use some alcohol swaps to clean the wound, then stitch up the wound before putting some ointment on, then covered it with a bandage. I get up quickly and got a bottle of water and some painkillers and gave it to him.

"You need to stay off that leg for a few days," I said to him, then start walking away. "Maddie..." I turn back to him. "Thank you," he says and I just nod my head and walked to the other people that came with him. One woman were searching through the rest of the people and calling out to someone named Chloe and I could see the desperation in her eyes, so I went to her.

"Could you tell me who you searching for, maybe I can help you." She looks at me with tears in her eyes and said that she was looking for her little girl who was on the plane with her. She starts describing her little girl to me and the clothes she had on and a sob broke from my chest.

I take her by the hand and told her that I need to show her something. People around us caught part of our conversation and stopped what they were doing and followed us slowly.

While walking, I start telling her about the little girl we have found and took her to her daughter's small grave. She fell down to her knees and cried out over the grave. I was sobbing and kneeled down next to her. She started telling me that she lost her husband six month ago in a car crash and wanted to take Chloe away on a holiday, as her daughter was missing her dad.

I listen to her and the only thing I could do, was hold her to me and comfort her. A short while later I took out a small pocket knife and on the little cross I made, I engrave the name 'Chloe'.

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