Chapter 4

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Everybody was warned to go sparingly with the water, as we not sure when we would find any fresh water on the island. We've put the bag of nuts to one side and gave everyone a piece of candy instead.

That night we sat around the fire and my eyes caught movement to my left at the edge of the bushes. At first I thought that it could be a bear, so I bumped Matt's arm and pointed towards it. He got up slowly and immediately everyone around the fire tensed up, waiting for more disaster to strike. After a few minutes Matt sat down and looked around the fire.

"Tomorrow morning we will set up a plan. We will need to find a water source by exploring the island and the movement you've seen, was indeed a wild pig, which means that there could be other animals on the island as well. We have to keep the fire going, so it could be easier for rescue planes to find us. For tonight we will all sleep around the fire to keep warm and as soon as the sun comes up, we need to work together if we wanna survive this. I will stand guard for a few hours, then someone else will take over from me so that I could get a few hours rest."

Everyone nodded their heads and a older guy who introduced himself as Jake told Matt that he would take the next watch. After everything was settled, people started drifting off to sleep.

I woke up at first light and stretched my body before walking down to the water. My head was feeling a lot better and I wasn't getting dizzy anymore. I notice that more stuff has pushed out during the night from the plane and I started pulling it out of the water. I look towards the plane and saw that it was still floating, so I look back towards our camp and saw that people were waking up and I shouted in their direction for help.

People came down to the water and together we collected everything we could and I decided to go out to the plane with a few of the guys to see what we could get. Matt wasn't happy with the idea of me swimming with the guys to the plane, but I told him that I was fine and that we need all the help. Once we've reached the plane, we saw some dead bodies still strapped in some of the seats, so I looked away quickly and we decided to search through the plane instead for anything we could use.

I went straight to the kitchen area with one of the guys and found some food, some utensils and more first-aid kits. After a short while we start making our way to shore where the rest of the survivors were waiting to give us a hand.

We carried the things closer to the campsite and start spreading everything on the sand, so we could see what we have found. One of the guys found a couple of tarps and some pots, another found more fresh bottles of water, some bottled juices as well as box juices, and four bottles of alcohol, which I took away immediately and explained that we should keep it as a medical source.

Another guy found a few blankets, which were soaked, so we need to rinse them and hang out to dry. The final guy found more food and snacks and three bundles of rope. One of the larger first aid kits that I found had some antibiotics, some painkillers, bandages and a few other useful things, so I pass it to Hannah, as she is the doctor. She got up immediately and went over to the people who needed it. I just pray to God that they had no allergies to the tablets.

I took some of the sharp knifes, then explained to everyone that we need to make some spears out of wood for hunting, as the food from the plane would only be enough for a few days. After my explanation, I share some of the food amongst everyone and gave them each a bottle of water. We all ate in silence and when we were done, everyone that could, helped where they could and after a couple of hours we had the food and water hidden. We had made a couple of spears and we have put up a shelter from wood, leaves, pieces of the wreckage and one of the tarps.

I look at the shelter when we were done and thought to myself that the fort-like shelter is big enough to fit most of us. A few of the guys also made a smaller fort, where we store the rest of our things. Matt and a few guys helped the injured and older people to settle down inside the shelter. By the time the sun went down, everyone was done for the day, so we had something small to eat and decided to call it a day.

Tomorrow morning, I will go with Matt and two of the other men into the woods in search for water and to explore the island a bit more. We also need to try and search for more survivors. My mind drift to Conner. "Oh God, please let him be alive," I whisper silently. Although I was falsely accused by him and treated like shit, I could never hate him, I just can't. I don't know exactly when it happened, but I have fallen in love with my husband.


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