Chapter 15

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A few weeks has passed after my conversation with Conner. Since our conversation, he was like a puppy after me. Some days I would feel embarrass, as people started laughing openly for the way he carries on.

Let's put it this way, if he sees me carrying anything, he would take it from me and tell me that it was to heavy for me to carry. Other days I would go down to the water to catch fish and he will follow me. He always makes sure to stick to my side. Some of the men on the island was even to scared to come close to me, as he would growl at them.

This morning I got up early and he was awake immediately, ready to follow me. We still share a hut, but I've moved the makeshift beds apart from each other, to his annoyance, but he didn't say anything. A few times he have moved the beds back together, but I would just move them apart again. Today I'm planning to go with the men, as we need meat and fruit. We can fill up the water bottles as well and I could have a quick dip by the waterfall.

I walk to the top part of my bed and picked up the small pocket knife and put it in my pocket, with Conner's eyes following my movements. It was when I picked up my backpack when Conner had something to say.

"Why are you packing your backpack, as it would look stupid to carry it the whole day around camp." I gave him an annoyed look and carry on my packing. I've packed some clean clothes and a small first aid kit. When I'm done, I turn towards him. "I'm going hunting with the guys today." That's when he exploded.

"You are doing can forget about it. There is no way in hell that I would allow you to go." At that I just saw red and started screaming at him. "Excuse me, who the hell do you think you are. I don't need your permission to do anything. I might be married to you Conner, but that's all it is. You are not the boss of me to tell me what I can do. I am going with the guys, if you like it or not and if you have anything else to say about it, you can start building yourself a new hut."

I grab my backpack and stormed out of the hut, with Conner right behind me and stop in my tracks when I saw that most of the survivors were outside, looking at us and I just knew that they have heard our conversation. I was even more annoyed because of that and turned back to him. "You know what Conner, I've had it. I will move in with one of the others from tonight. I have enough on my mind and can't deal with your possessiveness right now. You can't just take over like that and tell me how to live my life."

He steps closer to me and looked into my eyes. "No, please, don't do this, I'm begging you. I'm so sorry, I will change, I will do anything you ask, but please just don't push me away."

I feel myself blush, because everyone was still listening to our conversation and they waiting for my answer. I close my eyes for a second and sigh. "Look Conner, I'm not pushing you away, but you not making things easy for me. I need some personal space. We are all on this island together and you can't go bonkers everytime one of the men talks to me or when I go hunting with them. You need to trust me and give me that space I need."

He looks at me with big eyes like a lost child, so I take his hand. "Get dress and we can all have breakfast together before we leave." He nods his head and walks back into the hut. I turn to see the amusement on everyone's faces, but decided to ignore it and walk to where we have the food stocked.

While preparing some food, I talk to Hannah, as its the little boy Johnny's birthday tomorrow, so we planning something small for him. Matt came closer and volunteered to help making his day special and I see Hannah blush, but I didn't say anything. It was clear that she liked Matt in the way she was looking at him.

Everyone joined us for breakfast and I could feel Conner's eyes on me, but when I look in his direction, he would look down. After breakfast, I collect the empty bottles and bags that we taking with us. I also pack something small to eat. When I'm done, I give my bag to Matt to hold and walk to where Conner was sitting to one side. I go down on my knees before him and he looked up surprised.

"We leaving now and will be back late afternoon, we can talk then. Think about what I said to you about trusting me, because if you can't trust me, then it will be best if we forget about everything. I know you have a good heart Conner, so please, if you want things to work between us, don't let your ego get in the way."

" you mean that you won't move out, that we can still share a hut." I smiled and nod my head and he came forward quickly and gave me a hug. I got up off the sand and walk to where Matt, Ben and two other men were waiting. Ben starts whistling when I got close to them. "Man, that guy is totally whipped," he says.

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