Chapter 38

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As we standing close to the water, we see the military choppers getting closer and circling around to find somewhere to land. Two choppers landed and guys jumped out and counted some of the people and told them which choppers to get in.

One of the guys came towards us and asked for the radio and if we have found the black-box, so Matt gave it to him. Matt also told him about the bodies that was still on the island and the guy points towards the water. A boat was making its way towards us. He explained that the deceased will be transporter by boat, while the rest will go by helicopter. I just stood there and looked at the survivor's smiling faces while they get helped into the choppers.

While the guys were busy talking to the military official, I step away silently. I look around at the island which was I home for a year. Gosh, I'm really going to miss this place. I feel arms wrap around my middle and rest my body against him. "Baby, all the survivors have board already. We on the last chopper and everyone is waiting." I sigh and turn around to look at Conner.

"I'm really gonna miss this place. We have build so much memories here. It taught both of us a valuable lesson in life, because we truly found each other here and we made so many new friends." Conner kiss me deeply, then look into my eyes. "Are you ready, my love." I nod my head and follow him to the waiting chopper, but before we got in, I turned to Conner.

"Where's Jake..." Conner smiles at me and said that Jake's remains is already on the boat. They will move out when all the bodies is found." I nod and let him help me into the chopper. As we leave the island, we all looked down at it, each one of us sharing a memory. We were all staring until the island was only a little dot. I close my eyes tiredly and snuggle into Conner's arms. I listen to the soft conversation around me. Someone was saying that we would be taken to a hospital first, to get checked out.

I stopped listening to the conversation a while ago and relax more into Conner, who's arms was securely wrapped around my body. I feel someone shake my body lightly and I nearly jumped out of my skin and look around in terror. "Sshh baby, you safe."

I get my breathing under control and saw everyone looking at me with worried looks. "We close to the hospital Maddie," I hear Conner say. I look out the window and as we get closer, I could see paparazzi everywhere. "Great, just what we need," I mumble in disgust. The chopper lands and as the door opens, we were helped my military officials to get inside the building as fast as possible. "Gosh, those people are like vultures." The other agrees to my statement, but said that a person can't blame them, as everyone thought that everybody died with the crash and to hear that there was survivors is big publicity.

They have cleared one floor of the hospital for the survivors and everyone had to be tested. Conner stayed with me the whole time and when a doctor came in to check up on me, Conner was fascinated when the doctor put some gel on my stomach and shows us our little baby on the screen. He told me that I'm carrying a very healthy baby, but he was a bit worried over my weight, so I was put on special food to gain a bit more weight.

When the doctor was satisfied with everything else, I got up off the bed and told Conner that I wanted to check on the other survivors. We left the room and stopped at each one to see how they were doing. We were about halfway through the people, when I got to Hannah's room. Matt was standing outside her room with a worried look on his face, so I asked him what was wrong. "She chased me out of her room. I don't know what I did wrong."

I walk into her room and closed the door on the men and walked up to a crying Hannah. "Hannah, what's wrong, did something happen." She looks up at me with tears in her eyes. "I'm pregnant Maddie." I don't know if it was shock about hearing the news or the fact that I didn't even noticed that she and Matt slept together, but I started laughing so hard that the two men stuck their heads inside to see what's going on.

I chase the men out and looked at her. "Hannah, there's nothing wrong being pregnant and I just know that Matt will be over the moon. I'm gonna let him come in to see you and you guys can have time to talk about this." She nods her head at me and asked if I'm sure that Matt will be ok with this, so I assured her. I left the room and told Matt that she was ready to talk to him now and he rushed to her side.

I take Conner's hand and together we visit the other survivors and made sure to get their contact numbers to stay in touch.

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