Chapter 01: Moving In- Nicole

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  • Dedicated to Stacy Guillena

A/N: We hope you enjoy :)

-Chrissy and Miranda (CMStories)


Chapter 1: Moving In


Staring out the car window all I saw were trees. They looked beautiful blowing in the warm breeze; the colours were brilliant in early September even though it was only the second week. Being from the heart of Ottawa, I hadn't seen so many trees in one place. I mean, I'd been to parks and there were a lot of trees there, and there were others scattered around, but that was nothing compared to this. Everywhere you looked there was another tree; another forest I should say.

Coming to live in Cape Breton was not something I wanted to do. I had never been anywhere but cities and now we were moving to some small town that I didn't even bother to learn the name of, on some small island with a population lower than the amount of times my brother had been mature.

"Are we there yet?" My little brother Sam asked, bursting with excitement. Only he could be excited to live here, being an easily-manipulated little kid. I couldn't fathom why Sammy was excited to be moving to such a small town. He had plenty of friends in Ottawa, but I guess being ten limits how attached you are to your friends.

"No Sweetie, not yet, but we're minutes away," My mother replied, her tone soft yet impatient as she swung a turn. My mom's driving was slightly above terrifying and going on a long trip with her scared me a lot when I heard we would be driving.

"Oh fun," I said sarcastically as I flipped through my seriously outdated CD's with songs I'm sure my parents listened to when I was younger. Technically it would have been on a cassette, not CD, but whatever.

"Hold the attitude Nikki," reprimanded my mom. "Just because you're a teenager doesn't mean you have to support the stereotype. It gets a little tiresome."

I needed a serious break from my family. Not my dad though, him I wanted to see very much, which is the only thing I was looking forward to.

"Mom," I said, "I've been sitting in this passenger seat for eighteen hours, you wouldn't let me drive when we stopped and yet you still expect me to be cheerful?" In her defence, my mom never let me drive when my brother was in the car if she could help it. Trust issues, you know?

My mother just shook her head at my immature remark, and pulled into the driveway of a giant house.

My jaw dropped in awe, but only for a moment before I composed myself. It was just a house. Well, actually a fairly big fancy house, with brick outer walls, white washed windows and a fancy wooden door. Not to mention that the grass was freshly cut, hedges lining the walkway.

It was beautiful. I had to admit that, but it still wasn't my home. I still didn't want to be here. All the other houses where the same on the block. Were we seriously living in the rich neighbourhood?

My mom and brother rushed into the house but I stayed rooted to my spot in the driveway. I sighed. This wasn't my idea of fun. Who wanted to move halfway across the country, leaving all their friends and family behind? I certianly didn't.

"Hey," Someone yelled.

I tured around and there was a guy standing at the next house watching me. Had he been there the entire time?

"Hey," I replied, taking a chance and walking over to him.

"I'm Gavin Jefferson, and you must be part of the new family moving in." He had a slight accent lacing its way through every word, but it was so well mixed I couldn't tell where he came from. "Welcome to Setton."

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