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I knew you were troubled when you walked in...

I don't wanna be rude, so I shaked his hand..

"And you are?" he said smiling.

"Jennifer.. Jennifer Lopez. Have we met?" He looks so familiar.

"Hmm. I don't think so. I've met a lot of women. and they're all HOT. so yeah I don't think we've met"

This guy is pissing me off. First he scratched on my car's window, Now he's insulting me? what a jerk.

"So gentleman of you mister" I said sarcastically.

"So how can you fix this huh?" I pointed at my car. i'm already irritated but I still want to be composed.

"I don't think you need me to fix that scratch. You seem rich. you can fix it yourself Miss"

He is a jerk. he is annoying.

"But this is not my fault! I'm not the one whose in a motorbike and crash on my car!" that's it I'm mad. I wanna punch him.

"Okay relax. Here is my card. If you need a favor, just call me okay? I just can't fix your car.I don't have money for that."

He then ride on his motorbike and left me standing behind my car. I look at his card "Harry Connick Jr. more like Harry Jerk Jr!"

I went to my car and drive home. I'm tired. I'll just fix this tomorrow

next the office

Bradley's POV

"Jennifer, we need to talk"

Jennifer and I have been together for 4 years. I love her. I do. but Im getting tired with our relationship. we never had sex. I'm a guy and I have my needs too. she dressed as if she's in her 50's. My guy friends are mocking me. And I'm tired of it. so I've decided already.

Jennifer's POV

I heard bradley, my heart is beating so fast. I know this is not good.

"About what baby?"

"About us"

This is not good. I have a bad feeling about this. we had our dinner at a restaurant. and then Bradley started to talk.

"You know I love you.. But I'm tired Jen"

"Tired of what?" I wanted to cry.. I know where its going. I can't lose him.

"Tired of waiting? Tired of you always impressing your parents, tired of us"

My heart is breaking. I break down to tears.

"You can just ask me to marry you!" I said in tears

"I can't marry you just because I want us to have sex. I'm not ready for marriage Jen. All I want is to enjoy ourselves but your not into it! Your always scared on making mistakes jen! And look at you. look how you dress! don't you know how hard it is for me when my friends keep on saying stupid things about you? when they're mocking me. Let's finish this"

"No. you can't leave me Bradley! Don't break up with me. Please.." I said crying. my heart is breaking. this is too much.

"I'm sorry Jen. Its not working out for me anymore. I'm sorry baby"

"Is there someone else?" Bradley looked at me in surprise

"Uh. Why are you asking me that?"

"Just answer me! is there someone else?" I've never been mad in my life. other people at the restaurant are looking at us.

"I'm sorry. You know I'm a guy! I have needs too!"

"Do you know how hurt I am? you know what? F-you!"

I left him at the restaurant. I've never been so mad and so hurt in my life. He is the only guy I loved and all I ever wanted. Is it really my fault? am I really that boring? Would he come back if I change? I've been thinking on what to do. I can't lose Bradley.. then I see the card that jerk guy gave me last night

If you need a favor just call me okay?

Yes. that's it. I'm gonna need that Harry guy. I had a plan in my head. this is the first time I'm planning something out of the box.

"Your gonna come back for me Bradley!" I said to myself

"Hello. is this Harry?" I am calling Mr. Jerky guy

"Yes. who's this?"

"This is me jennifer. the owner of the car you've scratched last night"

"Oh. I told you I can't fix it. Porches are expensive"

"No. You told me to call you if I have a favor remember?"

"Uhh yes. so what is it?"

I breathe heavily before answering...

"Pretend to be my boyfriend Mr. Connick"

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