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Coz when I'm with him. I am thinking of you.

Jennifer's POV

I left Harry alone and went to the company's rooftop. This is were I go when I'm stressed out from work.

"Fuck." I spat in the air.

"Fuck!!" I said it louder this time as I felt tears stream down my face.

The truth is I never stop caring for Harry. But I'm so mad at him I don't want to hear any of his explanations. My heart was filled nothing but hatred towards him. But deep inside I know how much I still want him. How much I want his hugs and kisses. How much I longed for his touch..

Loren texted me.

"Jen? Where are you? Be here now, Break time is over. I'll talk about you and Harry's new project."

I took a deep breath and wipe my tears away.

"I can do this." I told myself and went back to the office. I enter our meeting room and saw Harry looking at his camera. He saw me and smiled at me like nothings wrong, like he didn't left me, like he never hurt me. That pissed me off.

"Jennifer, finally your here. I'll discuss your first project together."

I nod at her.

"You will write about the newly opened carnival/adventure park. And you Harry will capture everything. Work as a team. I'm expecting this to be great"

"Absolutely" I said.

"I'll leave you two, to talk about it. I need the finished project on Firday" she said then leave us both.

This is awkward. there's silence between us. I'm mad at him but I want to be professional.

"So Mr. Connick. When are you available to do this?" I said as I was caught by his strong gazed. My heart is beating fast. Those blue eyes.

"Tomorrow?" He said still not breaking his gaze at me.

"Tomorrow then. I have to go home now. I will work through this. See you tomorrow" I was about to stand from my chair, when he held my hand tightly.

"Please talk to me Jennifer Lynn" He said with his voice almost breaking

Jennifer Lynn..

He's the only person that called me that. I've been longing to hear that, but everytime he speaks, everytime he touches me, he just worsen the hate I'm feeling towards him and the pain i'm keeping for years.

"There's nothing we need to talk about. It's been what? 3 fucking years! Just.. Stop.."

"No Jen. I won't stop till you talk to me. Till you listen to me. You don't know what I went through." He said crying.

"And you? Do you know what I went through? Do you know how much  pain you've caused me? Do you even know the struggle I've felt everyday knowing that you left me? That you broke your promise? That you broke my heart?" I said as I started to cry.

"You don't how much I wanted to go on our wedding day." Liar

"Don't fucking remind of that nightmare!"

He went closer to me. My knees trembling and my heart pounding..

He carefully wipe my tears. His touch. I pulled away.

Then my phone started ringing.

Jason calling.

I turned my back at Harry and stepped away from him. I answered it.

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