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Wherever you go, whatever you do. I will be right here waiting for you

Harry's POV

Jennifer slapped me. Hard. I expect her to do this after she saw me with a girl. But she didn't even let me finished my sentence. I looked at her with tears in her eyes. She looks so mad and hurt.

"What am I thinking Harry? That you'll gonna keep your promise? That after all these years you'll be waiting for me? And will have another chance? How stupid of me." She said

"Jen.. you don't understand.. I-"

"I saw it Harry! And that hurts me. You promised to wait for me right? But what did you just do? You broke your promise again! I'm so stupid to think that someday we'll gonna see each other again. Where in fact you just let everything go. You gave up everything! And now what? You seemed very happy with that girl! I'm so stupid. I'm so stupid to love you all these years!"

I looked at her.. my mouth opened. That must be the most heart breaking words she ever said to me. I can feel my blood boils with anger and pain.

"Wow Jen. Wow! Do you even know what you're talking about? I've been waiting for you for almost 6 years! When we saw each other again after I didn't showed up in our wedding, I did everything right? I expalined to you everything that it wasn't my choice!! And when you chose Jason over me? I was hurt Jen! But I let you be with him! Because you made me beleive that someday will see each other again.."

Tears stream down my face. I'm so hurt.

"And now. 3 years had passed again. And we finally saw each other again. Now you're telling me that your stupid to love me after all these years? Where in fact you didn't even let me explained again. Don't you know how hurtful that was? Because I always loved you. I never stopped loving you."

I looked down with my tears falling in the ground.. she's walking towards to me.

"Mommy!!!" The kid shouted from the back. We both looked at the kid. Her kid. Again I felt my heart breaks

"Baby." Jen said as she wiped her tears.. the kid goes to Jen then looked at me..

"Who is he mommy?"  The kid said.

Jennifer looked at me with wide eyes. Maybe she don't want to tell her about me. Maybe Jason don't want to. Maybe I need to stay away from them..

"I need to go now." I told them.

"Wait..." Jen said. I took a breath before I face her.

I looked at her waiting for the next words she'll say... She looked at me for a second before she speaks..

"Nothing..." she said as she shook her head..

Nothing?  Why don't I beleive her? I just nod at her before I go back inside..

Jennifer's POV

I waited for this day. To finally see Harry and tell her about Andrea. But something is holding me back. That things are different now. The he chose to be with someone instead of waiting for me. I don't know. A lot of thoughts are in my mind. That things are maybe better of this way. That Harry and I are really not meant to be. I touched my forehead. And looked at Andrea peacefully sleeping.. I felt tears in my eyes.. I don't know what should I do.

Next Morning....

"Mommy! Wake up.." I woke up as I felt Andrea pulling me.

"Hey baby. Mommy's still sleepy." I told her.

"But I want to play mommy!" She said.

I get up from bed and kissed her..

"Okay then." I said making her jump.

We both dress up before we went outside the Hotel to eat and also for Andrea to play. I'm feeling really nervous. I don't wanna see Harry here and her girl.

Were finished eating so I let Andrea play at the playground with other kids when my phone rings.

"Hi Leah."

"Bonjour!" She said making me laugh.

"Oh Leah. I'm here in Italy. Not in France."

"Oh.. How's Andrea btw?"

"She's good.. she's now at the playground with some kids."

"That's great news. Btw I tried to look for Harry through the internet. I've learned that he's now a photographer."

I took a deep breath..

"I already found him here. Were at the same hotel" Leah screamed making my ears bleed.

"God Leah!! My ears.."

"I'm sorry. So tell me what happened."

I was about to tell Leah the whole story when I looked at the Playground and Andrea isn't there.

"Wait. I'll call you later." I then hung up and start to look for Andrea.

Harry's POV

I decided to stay for another day here in the hotel. I want to talk to Jennifer. And to know everything. After last night I felt so strange. I felt that something isn't right. That there's a great reason why we met again. I decided to sit on the bench when I saw a little kid. Oh. It's Jennifer's kid. I looked for Jennifer but she isn't around.

I went closer to the little girl.

"Hey. Why are you alone?" I told her.

"My mom said don't talk to strangers." She said making me smile. What a cute little girl. How I wish I had kids with Jen too.

"But i'm not a stranger. I'm your mom's friend. Look this is for you" I told her as I grabbed a candy from my pocket.

She gave me a bright smile and grab the candy. She looks exactly like Jennifer.

She sat at the bench and I sat beside her too I wonder where is Jen.

"So.. where's your mommy?" I asked her.

She shrugged. "I ran from her." She said making me laugh.

She then finished eating the candy and keeps playing with the wrapper.

"Hmm. How about your dad?." I bravely asked. I wanna know where is Jason.

"I don't know where he is" She said.

She don't know? Did he left them? Did he die?

"Does your Daddy still with you?" There I asked it again.

"He's never with us." She said making me more confius. Making me hard to breath.

"Your Dad's name is Jason right?" I asked her

She looked at me with narrowed eyes. Like how Jen narrows her eyes.

"He's my uncle. He's my uncle Jason." She said. Making my heart skipped a bit. Uncle? How? My heart is beating fast. And I don't know but my eyes are getting teary..

I swallowed hard before I ask her again.

"How about your daddy? Do you know him?" I asked her. Waiting for her answer that will surely make me cry.

"Yes. But I don't know what he looks like. Only his name." She said... I'm getting sweaty. I want to cry right now.

I took a deep breath before I asked her again..

"What's his name then?"

She looked at me and smiled big.


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