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Filled with promise coming through. In a while, in a word,
You and I forever change,

Jennifer's POV

"Yes Leah. Today! I'm getting married. Yeah. I wish you're here too with mom and dad. Okay thank you. Bye! I love you too" I called Leah to tell her that Harry and I are gonna be married today.

I'm so excited. Nothing or no one can stop us now. I looked in the mirror, I'm wearing a flowing white long dress, its simple but it's elegant. I curled my hair, my hair in waterfall braid. I always imagined myself wearing a big white ballgown with my hair in an updo, like what I look the first time Harry and I are supposed to get married. But this time, no more ball gowns, no more grand preperations, no listed guests. Just me, Harry and Andrea. This is not my ideal kind of wedding. But this is more than I imagined. More than I wished for. And it's all happening right now.

I can feel my tears. But I stopped it. I smiled. The smile full of happiness and satisfaction.

"Jen? Are you ready?" My heart skipped a bit. It's Harry. This is it. It's really happening.

I took a deep breath before I opened the door. I walked closer to the door and slowly opened it..  I looked at him, his eyes widen and became teary. He's wearing a black tuxedo. He looked so gorgeous.

"Wow. I'm lost for words. You are perfection.. and an hour from now, you're going to be Mrs. Connick, finally." He said with his voice almost breaking. He cupped my cheeks and pressed his forehead to mine.

"You don't how happy I am at this moment Jen.." he said as tears escaped from his eyes.

"Don't cry, because you're making me cry too." I told him as I wipe his tears. He took a deep breath then smiled to me.

"Let's go and get married." He said as he grabbed my hand.

"Where's Andrea?"

"She's waiting at the church."

"What? Who's with her?" I asked Harry but he just gave me a smile.

We went out the hotel. I saw his motorbike with boquet of tulips at the plate number. It made me smile.

We ride his bike and proceed to The Duomo Cathedral. I immediately rushed towards the church.

To my dissapointment it was close. Don't tell me were not gonna get married today? Fuck this.

"It's close Harry! Where is Andrea?" I said but he's not at my back anymore. Where the hell is he?

I tried to look around but the church's door automatically opened. I lean foward to the church, and to my surprise...

I saw Leah, My mom and my dad. They are all standing at the side of the aisle. They're smiling to me. My tears streamed down my face.. I know. Harry did it. He did it again. I saw Andrea wearing a flower crown beside my mom and dad.. and finally I saw Harry at the end of the altar, With tears in his eyes. Tears of happpines..

He smiled to me, and mouthed the words I Love You.. tears streamed down again to my face, I touch my chest and took a breath before I  mouthed I love you more back.

He's there, waiting for me. Like what I always pictured in my mind. I started walking down the aisle as the band started to play...

Heart beats fast
Colors and promises
How to be brave?
How can I love when I'm afraid to fall?
But watching you stand alone,
All of my doubt suddenly goes away somehow.

Every step I make, the more I get closer to Harry. To the man that I will marry and will spend the rest of my lifetime with. I saw him close his eyes as tears continue to stream down his face.

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