~|:|Chapter 1|:|~

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(Midoriya's POV)

The setting sun cast a warm glow over the city, painting the sky an ensemble of reds and oranges. Midoriya stared down at the ground, his legs dangling over the edge of the building. Below him, a few people wandered about, but nobody thought to look up.

Midoriya's face was wet with tears, as he recalled some of the painful words Bakugo had told him earlier, his tone filled with venom.

'Go take a swan dive off the roof!'

Midoriya felt his phone vibrate in his pocket, seeing a text from his mom.

"Where are you? It's late, come home as soon as you can." He drew in a shaky breath and put his phone down again, holding back a new wave of tears. A soft sigh escaped his lips as he got to his feet, taking a step away from the edge. He grabbed his bag and started making his way downstairs to his apartment. 

Before he pushed open the door, he quickly made sure to wipe his eyes. Taking a deep breath, he entered the apartment.

"Hey, mom. I'm home! Sorry for taking so long!" A smile crossed his face as his mother walked over to him.

"How was school?" She took his coat from him and hung it on one of the hooks before turning back to the kitchen. She hummed to herself as she cooked, though Midoriya couldn't see what she was making.

"It was good. Whatcha making?"

"Oh just some stirfry, is that okay?" She turned to look up at him, smiling happily.

"Sounds delicious! I'm gonna go to my room though, so call me when dinners ready!" He leaned over and kissed her on the cheek before walking down the hall to his room. He quietly closed the door and sank down onto the bed, letting the smile fall from his face.

He took out his phone to see a few more texts, though these ones were from his classmates. 

Uraraka: Hey, does anyone wanna hang out sometime soon? There's a new cafe nearby!

Tsuyu: I should be able to come, as long as it's not on Wednesday. I'm going shopping with my mom

Mina: I'll go! Seems like fun!

Midoriya sighed and started typing, the sounds of his mothers humming barely audible through the walls.

Midoriya: I'll come too! My mom won't mind

Uraraka: Great! Does anyone else want to come?

Todoroki: I can probably go.

Midoriya stared down at his phone, confused. Todoroki was coming? He never seemed like the type of person to go to these social things, but maybe Midoriya was wrong.

Uraraka: Ooh yay! So that's Tsuyu, Midoriya, Mina, and Todoroki! Does Friday work?

Midoriya: Yup!

Mina: Sure thing!

Todoroki: Yes, Friday works.

Midoriya: I gotta go eat dinner, talk to you guys later!

Midoriya's mothers' voice rang out through the walls, calling Midoriya out for dinner.


As Midoriya left the room, he cast one last glance at his phone on the bed. His heart had leaped when Todoroki said he'd come, though he didn't know why. Probably just his nerves. Todoroki always seemed so distant... Yeah, that was it. Nerves.

(Todoroki's POV)

As soon as he hit send, he'd started to regret his actions. He wasn't used to these things- he never really had any friends to hang out with while growing up. Todoroki leaned back, letting the phone fall out of his hand. His head was pounding, along with a few new bruises that had yet to show up. 

He looked over at the clock, realizing it was only 7. Todoroki closed his eyes, feeling exhausted. Within minutes, he had drifted off into a dreamless sleep. 

(A/N: I know this was short, but like, for some reason I just can't write his POV atm, which is funny considering I usually can't write Midoriya's POV)

>>Time Skip: Idk, sometime in the middle of the night?<<

(Midoriya's POV)

Midoriya bit his lip as the razor cut into his skin, leaving a trace of blood. He watched as the blood ran down his arm and landed in the sink, already tinted red from his previous cuts. 

His hand shook as he went to make another incision, tears welled up in his eyes from the pain. Both his arms were covered in cuts, most of them fresh. A gasp escaped his mouth as the razor cut through his skin again, leaving behind another bleeding cut. 

Midoriya set the razor down and turned on the tap, rinsing away all the blood. He opened the cabinet and grabbed some gauze, quickly wrapping his arms. Before he left, he made sure to grab the razor and hide it, moving the loose tile in the corner of the bathroom.

A small storage space was revealed, a few other razors stashed inside. Nobody knew about this, except for Midoriya of course. He pushed open the door and made his way back to his room, his arms stinging painfully.

As he flopped down onto the bed, his eyelids fluttered shut. He hadn't realized how exhausted he was before, but now he didn't think he had the energy to even move.

(A/N: Sorry if it seems bad lol, I'm still tryna figure all this out and all that! Also, if I don't update it sometimes then I'm sorry! Just a stupid mental issue with me, but I'll try to force myself out of it! Ty for reading!! ^w^ Also, I just got back from taking a break from writing, so it's not as good as I wish it was. ;-; my break definitely didn't last 2 years)

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