~|:|Chapter 16|:|~

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Midoriya let out an exasperated huff, tossing his bag onto the bed and flopping down beside it. Todoroki smiled to himself and sat down on the corner of the bed, watching Midoriya.

"I'm exhausted," He heard Midoriya mutter quietly, his voice muffled by a pillow. Todoroki couldn't help but agree. Today had felt exceptionally long, especially with their training exercise.

They didn't do anything special nor interesting. Instead, they had to do sit-ups, pushups, and a bunch of other simple exercises.

Todoroki ached all over, though it wasn't as bad as his training at home. Speaking of home... Todoroki pulled his phone out of his pocket, scrolling through his contacts.

He typed out a quick message before tucking the phone away again. Beside him, Midoriya sat up, his messy hair sticking out at all angles.

"So, do you wanna play a game?" Midoriya's eyes lit up, having a sudden idea. Todoroki was surprised at how much energy he still had, for he felt like passing out right then and there.

"Sure, what one?" 

Midoriya thought about it for a second before shrugging. "I dunno, I don't really have much, but you can choose."

Midoriya jumped up from the bed, grabbing Todoroki's wrist and leading him down the hall. Todoroki felt his cheeks grow warm and hastily used his right side to cool down. 

Todoroki and Midoriya ended up deciding on Mario Cart in the end, with Todoroki winning.

(I can't think of any games right now, I don't know lol, I don't feel like I know anything about this place right now? I'm an alien I guess XD)

"Awe man! How're you so good at this game?" Midoriya sighed, setting down his controller and getting to his feet. Todoroki chuckled, following Midoriya's lead.

"I used to play with my siblings when my father was out of town." Midoriya turned on the light as he stepped into the kitchen, illuminating the whole room with sudden brightness.

Todoroki yawned and sat down at the table, resting his head on his hand. 

"Huh, I didn't think you were even the type to play video games!" Midoriya opened the fridge, digging through the shelves for something good to eat. "By the way, my mother should be back home tomorrow."

Todoroki had completely forgotten about Inko.

"Where did she even go?" 

"She went to her sisters to help her move out," Midoriya responded, not turning to face Todoroki. Eventually, Midoriya shut the fridge and turned his attention to the pantry.

Todoroki felt slightly nervous about Inko returning, after all, he'd only met her once or twice.

Midoriya let out an annoyed sigh, grabbing two packages of ramen noodles. "We don't really have much right now, is this okay?" 

Todoroki nodded, grateful for the quick meal. He wasn't really in the mood for much, so he was perfectly fine with ramen. He also preferred simple meals over the usual food he got at home. 

Midoriya turned around to prepare the noodles, humming to himself distractedly. Todoroki smiled and shut his eyes, swaying to the rhythm. 

Midoriya suddenly stopped, passing Todoroki his noodles and sitting down across from him. His face was red, as though he hadn't noticed he was humming.

Todoroki couldn't hide his amusement as he dug in, enjoying the flavor of the noodles. "Thanks."

Midoriya nodded, beginning to eat as well.

Once they were done, they cleaned up their mess and shut off the tv, making their way back to Midoriya's room. Outside, night had fallen like a blanket, covering the town in a cloak of darkness.

Midoriya opened his mouth in a wide yawn, raising his arms above his head to stretch. Todoroki grabbed his pajamas, heading out to the bathroom to change.

When he returned, Midoriya was laying in bed, the bright light from his phone lighting up his face. Todoroki put away his clothes and crawled in next to him, taking out his own phone.

He noticed he'd gotten a message from his sister, Fuyumi. 

Fuyumi: Dad's supposed to be getting home sometime this week. Where are you? I've been trying to call you all week! You're making me worry.

Shoto: I'm fine. I'll probably be home on Friday or something.

Todoroki sighed, shutting off his phone. His stomach twisted at the thought of leaving Midoriya. If he could have things his way, he'd stay with him forever, living in a world where nothing could ever go wrong.

But this was reality, and something bad was always bound to happen. Todoroki rolled over to face Midoriya, noticing he was still awake. Letting out a yawn, Todoroki closed his eyes, letting the darkness engulf him as sleep reached out from the depths of his mind to claim him.

(( wOw I managed to write a whole chapter in one day, I might be recovering, but idk XD))

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