~|:|Chapter 21|:|~

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Midoriya awoke in the middle of the night, feeling the other boy beside him. Careful to be quiet, Midoriya crawled out of the bed and made his way to the bathroom.

He began to frantically tear the gauze off his arm, his hands shaking. Tossing the gauze aside, Midoriya reached forwards, removing the loose tile.

Inside sat one lonely razor and a bottle of pills. His fingers curled around the small sheet of metal, bringing to his arm. Letting out a shaky breath, Midoriya slid the razor across his skin.

His arm was his canvas, the razor his paintbrush, leaving behind strokes of crimson in its wake. 

A few minutes later, Midoriya returned to his room, his wrists freshly wrapped again. Todoroki mumbled something in his sleep, his words impossible to understand.

The smaller boy crawled back into bed, jumping when Todoroki's arms found their usual place around his chest. Comforted by the other boys' familiar warmth, Midoriya fell asleep quickly.

>>Time skip to morning<<

Midoriya groaned, exhausted from the previous night. The alarm clock could be heard throughout the room, waking both boys. Midoriya flung his arm over, knocking the alarm clock off the desk.

Todoroki rolled over, pulling the blanket over his head. Midoriya chuckled and got out of bed, shivering at how cold it was. 

"C'mon, Shoto. We have school," He said, walking over to the dresser and grabbing his uniform. He also grabbed Todoroki's uniform, tossing it to the unmoving mound of blankets.

The smaller boy let out an exasperated sigh and walked out to the bathroom, deciding it'd be easier all around if he changed out there. 

When Midoriya returned, Todoroki was sitting up in bed staring off into the distance. He clearly wasn't a morning person.

Giggling, Midoriya made his way over to the other boy, planting a gentle kiss on his forehead. That seemed to have wakened him up a bit more, for now, he met Midoriya's eyes.

"Goodmorning.." Todoroki opened his jaws in a wide yawn, causing Midoriya to yawn in return. 

"Goodmorning, Sho. You have to get ready, we're gonna miss the train if you don't hurry." Midoriya turned around to face the window, twisting open the blinds to let the bright sunlight fill the room.

Todoroki winced but got to his feet, rubbing his eyes tiredly. He grabbed his uniform and walked out to the bathroom, quickly changing and returning.

His hair was still messy, and his tie hung loosely around his neck. His blazer was undone and his shirt was buttoned unevenly, with him missing half the buttons entirely. 

Midoriya giggled and walked over to help him, readjusting the shirt buttons to line up properly. He then fumbled with the tie, trying to get it to lay flat. In the end, Todoroki helped him and fixed both their ties.

20 minutes later, Todoroki was looking more put-together. They rushed out of the house, noticing they were running slightly behind. 

They barely made it on the train, sitting down in their usual spot at the back. Midoriya resumed his normal position leaned against Todoroki, staring out the window. 

Over-all, it was a great morning.

(A/N: I mostly just wrote this quickly cos I'm bored and stuck in class, so this doesn't really affect the storyline in any way. I'm probably gonna add more fluff as time goes on, cos fluff is gr8) 

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