~|:|Chapter 29|:|~

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 Midoriya gazed up at the bi-colored boy beside him, gazing mindlessly into the dying fire. Todoroki seemed to notice this, as he looked down at the smaller boy with a look of confusion evident on his face.

"Is something wrong, Izu?"

Midoriya smiled and scootched closer to Todoroki, now practically sitting on top of him. Todoroki chuckled and lifted Midoriya onto his lap, resting his head on his shoulder.

"No, nothing's wrong. In fact, it's quite the opposite."

Todoroki buried his face in the crook of Midoriya's neck, letting his eyelids flutter shut. He reached around the green-haired boy's torso, intertwining their hands.

"Good," He whispered, feeling his exhaustion kick in. Midoriya picked up on this and got to his feet, tearing away from Todoroki. He instantly felt cold without the other boy's body heat.

 "Let's go to bed, it's late," Midoriya suggested, turning to burning embers. He stayed by the fire for a few moments, making sure it was completely extinguished before walking to the tent.

 Todoroki had gone inside while Midoriya was dealing with the fire, too tired to stick around. When Midoriya pushed open the flap, he saw the taller boy laying in a bundle of blankets. 

He seemed to be sleeping, so Midoriya carefully crawled over to him, lying beside him.

 Suddenly, he felt a pair of arms around him. He craned his neck slightly to see an exhausted looking Todoroki curled around him, their legs intertwined, fitting perfectly into each other.

"Goodnight, love," Todoroki whispered before closing his eyes, letting sleep claim him. Midoriya smiled to himself, unable to contain the happy feeling in his heart.


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