~|:|Chapter 12|:|~

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>>Time skip -> The next morning (Btw it's the 12th)<<

Midoriya opened his jaws in a wide yawn, reaching over to turn off the alarm clock. Beside him, Todoroki let out a low huff of annoyance. Midoriya sat up, rubbing his eyes tiredly.

Midoriya glanced down at the boy beside him, his face buried into the pillow. His multicolored hair was messy, sticking out in random places. He seemed to sense that Midoriya was staring at him, for he looked up.

Midoriya quickly jumped out of the bed and busied himself with grabbing his uniform and rushing off to the bathroom to change. 

"Are you sure? I usually change in the bathroom," Todoroki stated, getting to his feet. Midoriya had insisted, leaving Todoroki alone in the room.

He let out a sigh and started to change, feeling as though he were being watched by the hundreds of All Mights on the walls. It was as though his teacher were staring down at him...

 Midoriya closed the door and stared into the mirror, taking a deep breath. His heart ached, it was beating too fast, and it felt far too heavy in his chest. His head pounded, and his stomach felt like it was twisting in on itself.

He turned on the tap, letting the cool water run through his fingers. 

When Midoriya returned to his room, Todoroki was sitting on the bed, his hair still messy and his blazer undone. 

He fumbled with the tie around his neck, buttoning up the blazer once he'd fixed it. Midoriya walked over to his calendar and crossed off another square.

"Well, we should get going soon. Don't wanna miss the train," Todoroki stated, reaching for his bag. Midoriya agreed, realizing for the first time that they were running late.

The cool morning breeze greeted them as they stepped out onto the street, the bright sun making its daily ascent.

>>Time skip: Lunch<<

Midoriya let out a sigh and looked around the cafeteria, gripping his food tray in his arms. Uraraka was sitting alone near the back corner, her head hanging low.

Midoriya walked over to her, Todoroki following closely behind him.

"Hey Uraraka," Midoriya greeted, sitting down across from her. She looked up, a small smile on her face. 

"Hey Deku! Todoroki!" She nodded politely to Todoroki as he sat down beside Midoriya. He nodded in return, offering a small smile.

 Midoriya opened his mouth to speak but closed it hesitantly. He hadn't told Todoroki about what happened the other day, so he didn't bring it up.

The three of them ate in awkward silence, occasionally broken by a lame attempt at conversation by Midoriya. The bell rang, signaling the end of lunch. 

Uraraka jumped up and rushed off, leaving Midoriya and Todoroki alone. 

"Is everything good between you two?" Todoroki asked as he tipped his tray into the trash, dumping his garbage from lunch. Midoriya did the same, leaving the trays on top of the trash cans in a neat pile.

Midoriya only shrugged, swinging his bag over his shoulder. The two boys started to make their way back to the classroom, separated by the large crowd of students pushing their way through the halls.

Once inside the safety of the classroom, Todoroki walked toward Midoriya again. His fingers closed around the smaller boys wrist, bringing him to a stop.

He looked up at the taller boy, his green eyes filled with emotions. Todoroki opened his mouth to speak, only to get interrupted by the bell ringing. 

He hesitated before heading to the back of the room, sitting down at his desk. As the teacher went on with the lesson, Todoroki would often catch himself staring at Midoriya.

More than anything, he wanted to hold him close and tell him that everything would be alright. 

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