~|:|Chapter 31|:|~

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>>Time skip to the next day<<

"Sho!" Todoroki turned to see a familiar face running along the crowd, a wide grin plastered on his face. Todoroki smiled, waiting for him to catch up.

"So, how'd it go yesterday?" 

Todoroki thought about it for a second before responding.

 "I think it went well. He was surprisingly understanding, and he actually listened to what I had to say. I think he's coming around, y'know? Apparently, he's also been better to Fuyumi and Natsuo while I was away, and he even went to see my mom."

(I still hate Endeavor but I need a happy ending)

 "T-that's great, Sho! I'm glad everything worked out!" Midoriya grabbed his hand, intertwining their fingers and leading him toward class. 

 Todoroki only smiled, too happy to worry about anything right now. They pushed open the classroom door, walking toward the back of the room together. 

 Maybe life really was worth living.

(Soooo... This is it. Wow. Agh, I can't believe it's really over! I'm sorry this chapter was so short, but I just needed to find some way to finish it without leaving too bad of a cliff-hanger. I really hope you guys enjoyed it! Thank you guys so so sooo much for reading, and have a wonderful day, or night, orrrr whatever time it is for you!)

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