~|:|Chapter 17|:|~

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Midoriya bolted upright, his hair dishelved and his breathing unsteady. He'd hardly noticed Todoroki until he felt the other boy's arms around him, pulling him into a reassuring hug. The room was filled with light from the lamp on his nightstand, casting a warm glow over Todoroki's face.

Midoriya leaned into Todoroki, melting into his embrace as he sobbed, letting all his emotions pour out. 

Todoroki stayed silent, giving the boy some time to relax and gather his thoughts. Once Midoriya's sobs had subsided, Todoroki opened his mouth, his tone soft and soothing.

"Are you okay?" 

Midoriya sniffled, tilting his head to look up at Todoroki. "Yeah, just a nightmare... I'm sorry, I didn't mean to wake you.."

Todoroki sighed, offering a small smile. "You don't have to apologize. All that matters is your okay."

Midoriya nodded slowly, listening to the steady rhythm of Todoroki's heart. Within minutes, Midoriya was passed out, his gentle breathing the only sound in the room.

Todoroki smiled down at the small boy, feeling the sudden urge to protect him at all costs.

He carefully removed his arm from around Midoriya, being cautious as to not wake him. His fingers curled around his phone, tugging at it to unplug it.

Flipping open the camera app, Todoroki maneuvered to get a better view of the sleeping child. Todoroki examined the picture, happy he'd managed to capture the moment.

Opening his jaws in a wide yawn, Todoroki gazed down at Midoriya. Gritting his teeth, Todoroki lowered himself to lay down, trying his best not to wake him up.

He let out a breath of relief, Midoriya still fast asleep. He was laying across his chest, his head resting right under Todoroki's. Todoroki could feel his face burning up as he fell into an undisturbed sleep.

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