~|:|Chapter 3|:|~

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>>Time Skip: 2am?<<

{Midoriya's POV}

A sharp hiss escaped Midoriya's gritted teeth as the razor slid across his arm, leaving behind a trail of blood. He needed to feel something. Anything...

"Izuku, dear? You've been in there for a while now, are you okay?" Midoriya quickly looked up at the door, hearing his mothers' voice on the other side. 

He cleared his throat and answered, his voice wavering. "I'm fine, sorry. I'll be done in a minute." He grabbed the razor and stuffed it back into its usual hiding spot before turning on the tap to wash away the blood.

He pulled down his sleeves and opened the door, looking down on his mother's concerned face. Her eyes were filled with worry but she seemed to relax as he smiled.

"Just a stomach ache, sorry to worry you." Midoriya rushed off to his room, saying a quick 'goodnight' as he passed. Inko stayed in the same spot for a few moments, unable to get rid of the sinking feeling in her stomach.

Midoriya crawled into his bed and began to scroll through his phone, the bright light illuminating his soft features. The voices that haunted him remained at the back of his mind at the moment, nothing more than a whisper. Around 4:30, he finally closed his eyes and drifted into an uneasy sleep, disturbed by nightmares.

>>Time Skip: The next morning in class<<

(Midoriya's POV)

Midoriya gazed out the window, looking down at the long drop to the ground. He tore his gaze away and stared down at his arms, now wrapped in a new layer of gauze. He could feel the cuts throbbing, reminding him of what he'd become.

"Midoriya." He looked up to see Todoroki standing in front of his desk, his heterochromatic eyes burning into Midoriya's. "Are you okay?"

"Huh? Oh! I'm fine!" A wide smile crossed his face and he managed a weak chuckle. It felt incredibly fake to him, but Todoroki seemed to have bought it.

"Okay, well that's good. What all do you want to do this weekend?" Todoroki pulled over a chair and sat down next to him, their shoulders lightly brushing. 

Midoriya's face instantly flushed pink, leaving him flustered. "O-oh, uh, I-I'm good with whatever you w-want to do, heh."

"Hmm, okay. Do you want to watch some movies then?" Midoriya looked over at him, imagining spending the weekend watching movies with him - alone.

Gah, stop it, Midoriya! 

"Yeah, sure!" Midoriya looked up as Aizawa entered the room, silencing everyone. Todoroki rushed off to his own spot at the back of the room, leaving Midoriya alone.

"So the project will be due on Monday, so I suggest you get together over the weekend. Other than that, there's not much to talk about today, so just start working."

>>Time Skip: After school<<

(Todoroki's POV)

Todoroki sighed as he pushed open the front door, entering the house. Endeavor sat at the kitchen table, waiting. 

"We're training tonight. You've missed out on the last few times, so you need to make it up to me." 

"Actually, I'm going to a friends' house to work on a project." Todoroki walked off toward his room, knowing he'd pay the consequences for disobeying his father. He could hear his heavy footsteps behind him, closing the distance.

A large hand grabbed the collar of Todoroki's shirt, yanking him backward. He gasped as he was thrown into the ground, knocking his breath out of him. Todoroki glared up at his father, his gaze cold.

He was used to this and knew not to speak up. That would only make things worse. So instead, he just had to wait it out. This continued for a few minutes, his dad just yelling insults and kicking him, throwing him against the wall. 

Todoroki remained on the ground, coughing as his father stormed off, deciding he'd had enough. After a few minutes, he got to his feet and started to pack his bag. 

(A/N: Agh that felt so choppy to me, but I need to write lol. I'm probably gonna write another chapter or 2 tonight, but I get most of my writing done in the middle of the night so it's tough. Sorry!! Also, this chapter was super short, but whatever, I just wanna update this as often as possible T^T)

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