~|:|Chapter 23|:|~

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"Here, give me your arm." Midoriya turned to see Todoroki enter the living room, holding the first-aid kit. Midoriya moved over on the couch, giving him room to sit down.

Hesitantly, Midoriya rolled up his sleeve, exposing the gauze he'd haphazardly applied the night before. The sun was shining through the blinds, filling the room with a warm aura.

Todoroki gently unwrapped the gauze, exposing the scars littering his arm. Frowning, Todoroki ran his fingers over some of them, his hand coming away red. A few of the newer cuts had opened during the day, causing Midoriya to wince.

 "These are new..." Todoroki mumbled under his breath as he reached for a cloth. He gently pressed it on the bleeding cuts, soaking up the blood. After a few moments, they stopped bleeding. Todoroki walked over to the sink and began to rinse out the cloth before heading back to the couch.

He carefully poured some rubbing alcohol onto the cloth, making sure not to spill on the carpet. 

Midoriya clenched his jaw, struggling not to cry out as the cloth made contact with his skin. His arm seared with pain as the alcohol started to clean his cuts. He knew he deserved this pain.

"I'm sorry, I know it hurts, but I have to clean them," Todoroki apologized, noticing the small boys' reaction. Midoriya looked up at him, his green eyes swimming with tears.

"I'm sorry..." Midoriya mumbled, turning his attention to the ground. He didn't want to meet the other boys gaze right now.

Todoroki sighed, setting down the cloth on the table. He reached forward with a gentle hand and placed it on the smaller boys chin, tilting his head to look at him.

"It's not your fault. It's mine for not noticing, and for that I'm sorry." Todoroki let go of Midoriya, instead turning to grab some vaseline and gauze. He opened the bottle of Vaseline and started to carefully rub some on his wrist, making sure to not press too hard.

After applying the vaseline, Todoroki wrapped his arm in gauze. He made sure it was tight, but not tight enough to cut off circulation.

Todoroki sighed and turned to clean the mess he'd made, packing everything up neatly. 

"We should probably change out of our uniforms," Todoroki commented, getting to his feet. Midoriya nodded and walked over to his room, accompanied by the other boy.

Todoroki grabbed his clothes and went out to the bathroom, leaving Midoriya to get dressed in the room as usual.

Shortly later, the two boys were sitting in the kitchen- well, Todoroki was sitting. Midoriya was raiding the cupboards for food. He poked his head out from one of the cupboards, letting out a sneeze.

"Gah, it's dusty back here!" Todoroki chuckled as he sneezed again, causing him to drop the food that was previously balanced in his arms. Todoroki walked over to help him pick it all up, placing it on the counter.

"Do we really need all this?"

Midoriya looked at him before looking at the mound of food piled on the counter. 

"I guess not... but it's all so good!" Midoriya giggled, reaching for a bag of candy. The two of them sorted through the food, picking out a few things. 

They chose a bag of BBQ chips, gummy bears, and sour watermelons. They also grabbed some juice boxes before making their way back to the room. 

Once there, they crawled onto the bed. Midoriya pulled out his laptop, setting it in between them. While Midoriya fumbled with the bags of food, Todoroki scrolled through Netflix, looking for a good movie to watch.

He could pick another horror, but he knew that Midoriya didn't like them. He was just so cute, clutching onto Todoroki as though he were his life-support.

In the end, they both agreed on "The Fault in our Stars"

(Sooo I know this isn't on Netflix, but pretend it is. I can't think of any other movies I know lol, so whatever. It was just a random one I thought of)

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