~|:|Chapter 10|:|~

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The bell rang as Todoroki and Midoriya entered the classroom, rushing to their seats. As soon as they had sat down, the door opened to reveal Aizawa, his usual grim demeanor. He walked up to the front and did his usual role-call before leaving again, his place taken by Present Mic instead.

Present Mic's usual loud voice filled the room as he began the lesson. Todoroki let out a sigh, his gaze wandering around the class, coming to rest upon Midoriya. 

His green hair was illuminated by the early morning sun. If only Todoroki sat closer. Todoroki forced his eyes away from the other boy, instead resting on Yaoyorozu. She looked at him with a smug grin on her face.

She leaned over and nudged him playfully with her elbow. "Midoriya, huh?"

Todoroki instantly felt his face grow hot, though he used his ice to regulate his temperature. "What? No," He choked out, his voice barely above a whisper, though no one could hear him over Present Mic. 

Yaoyorozu simply rolled her eyes before leaning over her paper. The rest of the class went on like normal, with no more interruptions.

The bell rang, causing all the students to rush out of the room in a hurry.

Todoroki packed up his bag, lingering in the empty classroom for a few moments. 

"Todoroki? Are you okay? You seem a little distant." Midoriya walked over to him, concern filling his green eyes. Todoroki froze, unable to tear his gaze away from them.

"Huh? Oh yeah, I'm fine, sorry." Todoroki's face flushed red as he busied himself with packing up.

"Okay! Well, do you wanna eat lunch with me?" Todoroki agreed and they headed toward the cafeteria together, where they sat at a table in the far corner. 

The table was empty, but within a few minutes, the empty seats had been taken by Uraraka, Iida, and Tsuyu. Midoriya and the others got engaged in an enthusiastic conversation about the dance, while Todoroki just watched.

The way Midoriya's face lit up brought a small smile to his face. As the bell rang once again, all the UA students got up and began to make their way back to class. 

Todoroki watched as Uraraka leaned over and whispered something into Midoriya's ear, filling with curiosity and- anger? Todoroki shook his head and turned away, trying to get ahold of his emotions.

It was probably nothing to worry about... Plus, Midoriya wasn't his.

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