~|:|Chapter 20|:|~

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(A/N: Holy crap guys, I just noticed that this has gotten over 700 reads, and I'm just- wow, thank you guys so much! You have no idea how much this means to me! Just- wow, I'm just so happy!)

Midoriya winced as Todoroki pressed the cloth down, the alcohol seeping into his cuts. 

"I gotta clean them." Midoriya nodded, clenching his teeth. After a few minutes, the stinging was replaced with a cold, relaxing feeling as Todoroki applied some vaseline. 

Once the gauze had been wrapped neatly around his wrists, Todoroki got up and started to put away all the supplies. Midoriya mumbled a small "thanks" and rolled down his sleeves, only to get stopped by the other boy.

"I want you to start wearing T-shirts around me." His heterochromatic eyes drove Midoriya to nod to the request. Midoriya walked out to his room, leaving Todoroki to tidy up the bathroom.

A few minutes later, Midoriya walked out to the living room to find Todoroki sitting on the couch. Midoriya now wore a large white T-shirt and black sweats.

"Where are your razors?" The question took Midoriya by surprise, though he then realized why. 

"I'll go get them," He sighed, making his way back to the bathroom. He reached down and pulled the loose tile off, exposing the small compartment. Inside were 3 razors and some pills. 

Midoriya returned to the living room, his fingers curled around the razor blades. Todoroki reached over and grabbed them, a shiver going down his spine as the cool metal met his skin.

The two razors sat in his palm, the light from the window glinting off them. "Where are the knives? And scissors?" Todoroki was determined to help Midoriya out of this, no matter what he had to do.

Midoriya let out an exasperated sigh and led Todoroki to the kitchen, showing him the knife block holding all the knives and scissors. Todoroki sighed and grabbed a bag, putting all the knives and scissors inside. 

Once all the sharp things were in the bag, he tightly tied it and hid it.

"You know my mom's coming home tonight, right?" Midoriya's voice came from somewhere behind him. Todoroki turned to face him, seeing his sprawled out on the couch.

"Will she mind that I'm still here?" Todoroki certainly didn't want to leave, especially not so soon. 

"No, it should be fine! I'll just text her and make sure," Midoriya flashed Todoroki a smile and turned his attention to his phone. Todoroki smiled in return and came over to sit beside him.

Midoriya turned to Shoto, a sudden idea forming.

"Hey, Sho?" Todoroki was a little surprised by the nickname, causing him to blush.

"Yes, Izu?"

"Well, erm, today's Valentine's day... and, well, I was wondering..." Midoriya's face was bright red as he stumbled with his words. "Will you be my Valentine?"

Todoroki stared at the smaller boy for a few moments before smiling. "Of course I will." He leaned forward, wrapping his arms around Midoriya and closing the distance between their lips.

Todoroki couldn't help but notice how incredibly soft the other boys' lips were, entrancing him. The two broke away to catch their breath, small smiles plastered on their faces.

A loud ding sounded from the coffee table, notifying Midoriya of a message. He reached over and grabbed his phone, his eyes scanning over the letters.

Mom: Hey honey! Something came up and I won't be home for another week, though I'm hoping it's cleared up sooner. And yes, Shoto can stay, just don't get into trouble! Love you, and I'll see you shortly!

Midoriya sighed and typed back a response before turning to Todoroki. 

"My mom's supposed to be gone for another week." Todoroki nodded, reaching for Midoriya's hand. 

"Follow me," He said with a smile, pulling Midoriya to his feet. Midoriya followed him out into the hall and to the stairs, leading to the roof. 

"Why're we going outside?" 

"You'll see." 

Shortly later, the two boys were standing on the roof of the apartment building, their only company each other and the stars above them. The air was chilly, causing Midoriya to shiver.

Todoroki noticed this and pulled the smaller boy closer, wrapping his left arm around him and using his quirk to generate heat. Todoroki led the way to the edge of the roof, letting go of the other boy momentarily to sit down on the ledge. 

Midoriya hesitantly sat beside him, casting a few scared looks over the edge. Todoroki smiled and reached over, letting Midoriya fall into his usual place under his arm. Midoriya's head rested on Todoroki's chest, his arms hanging limply at his side as he relished in the warmth.

The two boys were up there for hours, sitting in silence and just watching the stars, the city asleep around them. At some point in time, Midoriya had passed out, causing Todoroki to have a panic attack as he slid forward. With that, Todoroki carried the other boy back to the apartment and tucked him in, falling asleep beside him.

(Sorry the kissing scenes are very awkward, I haven't written one of those in a very long time and I'm not used to it lol, so I'm kinda experimenting with what words to use) 

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