~|:|Chapter 8|:|~

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Todoroki gritted his teeth as a tear rolled down his cheek. Goddammit, why did he have to react that way? Midoriya wasn't trying to hurt him... Maybe he should go back... No. He'd turned his back on Midoriya, and he couldn't face him after that.

Instead of walking home, he turned away and started walking in a new direction, towards the beach.

The gentle sounds of the waves lapping against the sand soothed him as he approached the beach. Todoroki sat down in the warm sand, resting his head in his hands. He needed to get his shit together.

Since it was still rather early in the morning, the beach wasn't very busy. It was peaceful and allowed Todoroki to think. He reached into his bag and retrieved his headphones and sketchbook, deciding he needed to relax a bit.

He chose a random song from his playlist and began to sketch, using the water before him as a reference. He grumbled indistinctly under his breath, erasing his progress.

He couldn't think of anything other than Midoriya... Todoroki sighed and tossed the sketchbook back into his bag before getting to his feet. He slipped off his shoes and carried them in his hand as he walked along the shore, the gentle waves lapping at his feet. 

He continued down the shoreline, the music filling his thoughts. He eventually came across a small area that was practically deserted. Pulling his headphones down to his neck, he inspected the place. It was surrounded by cliffs, just a small cave. 

Todoroki set his bag down on one of the rocks and closed his eyes, letting the music consume him. He sank down to his knees, the soft sand acting as a pillow under him.

A few tears ran down his cheeks as all the emotions he'd stored away for years came spilling out. It felt... good to let it out. He felt... more alive...

Todoroki's soft cries filled the air for a few more minutes before he got up and grabbed his bag. He started to walk along the shoreline, following his previous footsteps.

He slid on his shoes once he'd gotten out of the sand, and began to walk away. A short while later, Todoroki raised his arm and gently knocked on the door. He could hear footsteps inside as someone made their way to the door.

The door swung open to reveal Midoriya in a large T-shirt and shorts. His eyes were red, as though he'd been crying. 

  "Todoroki?" His voice was laced with confusion, as he clearly hadn't expected him to return. Todoroki let out a soft sigh and looked down at the ground.

"I'm, uh, sorry for leaving like that. I just needed to think a bit. I can leave if you want..." Todoroki's voice faded off as he waited for a response. Midoriya stepped out of the way, inviting him inside.

 "No, it's fine! Do you wanna come in?" Todoroki smiled softly and stepped inside, the door closing behind him. "Also, if you ever need a place to stay, my mom wouldn't mind," 

 "I wouldn't want to trouble you..." Midoriya reached out and grabbed Todoroki's wrist, leading him inside with a grin on his face. 

 "It's no trouble at all! Please?" Midoriya looked up at him with a pleading expression. Todoroki smiled to himself, his cheeks growing hot. Midoriya pushed open the bedroom door and walked over to the closet, grabbing a sweater.

 Todoroki sighed and sat down on the bed, watching Midoriya. "Thanks. It really means a lot to me." His voice was soft and gentle, sincere. 

 "As I said, it's no problem!" Midoriya looked around his room, wondering what to do now. He hadn't been expecting Todoroki to return. "What do you wanna do?"

 "As I said, it's no problem!" Midoriya looked around his room, wondering what to do now. He hadn't been expecting Todoroki to return. "What do you wanna do?"

 "Hmm... I don't mind. you can pick."

Midoriya grabbed a book from his desk, sitting down on the floor. "I'm gonna read then, if you don't mind?" 

"Sure, I don't mind." Todoroki pulled out his sketchbook and flipped to one of the pages. The room was filled with silence as both of them disappeared into their thoughts. 

(A/N: So if you're wondering why Todoroki suddenly draws, it's a trait I took from myself to make it easier to relate to him. Sorry this chapters so weird, I just haven't really been in it lately, but I'm trying T^T anyways, I rlly need to stop leaving notes all the time lol, byee)

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