~|:|Chapter 5|:|~

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>>nExT mOrNiNg<<

The sun's bright rays filtered through the blinds, filling the room with light. Midoriya sighed and turned over, opening his eyes to see- Todoroki?

 Midoriya's face flushed bright red as he stared at him, a small squeak escaping his lips. He instantly jumped backward, falling out of the bed with a loud crash. 

 It apparently woke Todoroki, because he was now looking around with a confused expression on his face. He peered over the side of the bed and saw Midoriya laying on the ground, blushing and sputtering.

"Are you okay?" Todoroki asked him before realizing what had happened. "Wait a minute..." His voice faded off as he was then filled with embarrassment. "I'm sorry! I didn't mean to!" Todoroki looked away, flustered. 

 Midoriya stared up at him, beginning to laugh. Normally Todoroki was so formal, but this was a new side he'd never seen before. He had to admit, he liked it.

 Midoriya crawled back onto the bed, his face returning to its natural shade. Todoroki started to calm down as well, though he still looked embarrassed.

"Hmm... We should probably do our project today," Todoroki said, still avoiding Midoriya's gaze. Midoriya agreed and grabbed the laptop, opening a new document.

 "It shouldn't be too hard, so we can probably hang out again for a while!" Midoriya grinned up at Todoroki, who had now turned to face him. He managed an awkward smile, causing Midoriya's cheeks to heat up again.

Why did this bitch have to be so cute?

 The two of them started to work on the project, deciding to do All Might. Midoriya already knew a lot about him, so they ended up finishing sooner than they had originally thought. 

By the time they had finished, it was only noon. 

"So, whatcha wanna do?" Midoriya got to his feet and stretched, his arms above his head with his back arched. A high, demonic screech escaped his lips as the souls of the innocent were released. 

( Just ignore the last part XD)

 "I don't really know- to be honest, I never really go to these things, so I don't know what's supposed to happen," Todoroki confessed, scratching the back of his neck.

"Hmm, well, we could go for a walk to the beach, maybe! Or... we could stay and play games or watch movies?" Midoriya started tossing out random ideas, hoping Todoroki liked one of them.

"I'm good with anything. They're all good ideas, so you can pick something." God, Todoroki was so annoying sometimes!

 "Then... let's just watch movies and play games!" Todoroki couldn't help smiling at the smaller boys excitement. Personally, Todoroki preferred staying inside, so this was perfect. 

 "Let's go out to the living room, there's a bigger TV and it'll be more comfortable." Midoriya grabbed his blanket and a few pillows, Todoroki smirking and grabbing a few as well. They stumbled down the hall, unable to see where they were going due to the unhealthy amount of pillows Midoriya had.

They flopped down onto the couch, engulfed in the sea of fluffy blankets and pillows. After a few minutes of struggling, they had managed to arrange everything so that they were comfortably seated beside each other, the blanket wrapped around them together. 

Midoriya pretended not to notice that they were practically cuddling but instead busied himself with scrolling through Netflix's options. In the end, they both decided on a simple comedy. 

 At that moment, everything was just perfect. Just him and Todoroki laughing, enjoying each others company. It made him forget about the bad things in life, even if it was only momentarily.

 Midoriya rested his head on Todoroki's shoulder, smiling to himself. Todoroki tensed up for a moment, though he calmed down and pulled Midoriya closer, wrapping his arm around him. The only sounds were that of the TV's and their steady breathing. 

(A/N: Sorry that was so crappy! I'm exhausted and I had to force myself to write, so it's not as great as I would've preferred, but now I'll be able to continue from somewhere I guess? Idk, I got 2 hours of sleep yesterday, so I needed to quickly write this before I passed out ^w^ I hope you guys are enjoying it so far? Anyways, sorry about this chapter and all that, hope you guys understand!)

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