~|:|Chapter 24|:|~

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>>Time skip to the next morning because I'm lazy af and I just need to post. Btw they just fell asleep after the movie<<

Midoriya took a few moments to study the beautiful boy beside him. His hair was messy from sleeping, the red and white sides crossing over into each other.

Midoriya could feel his cheeks warming up as he gazed at the sight before him, unable to tear his gaze away. The soft glow in the room only made him more angelic. The result was breathtaking.

Todoroki must've sensed that he was being watched, as he stirred sleepily. He opened one eye, looking back at the green haired boy. 

 Midoriya's hair was messy as ever, though it still wasn't too far off from his usual look. Todoroki chuckled, pulling himself into a sitting position. Beside him, Midoriya did the same.

 "We should get ready if we want to get there early," Todoroki mentioned, bringing back the memories of yesterday. Midoriya blushed profusely, jumping out of bed.

 It wouldn't have been such a big deal on normal circumstances, but he was going to be spending an entire day with his crush. Not only that, but Todoroki also made reservations at a fancy restaurant.

The two boys quickly got dressed, excited for the day ahead of them. As Midoriya ran about, worrying about every little thing, Todoroki sat on the bed. He took the spare time to check his phone, realizing he'd gotten a few messages.

Father: Where are you? You were supposed to be home an hour ago for training.

Father: Shoto, you're more than an hour late. I expect a good reason.

Father: Shoto, get your ass home now. I won't tolerate your rebellious attitude.

Fuyumi: Dad just got home, where are you?

Fuyumi: You better get home soon, Dad's not happy.

Todoroki sighed, ignoring the rest of the messages. He decided he should at least respond to his sister, and explain his current situation.

Shoto: Hey, sorry about that. I need to stop by later for a minute to get changed, can you keep him distracted?

Fuyumi responded almost instantly, as though she'd been waiting for him to text.

Fuyumi: Yeah, I can do that. You said you'd be home by tomorrow, where are you? Are you still at your friends? Dad's pissed, you should come home, before things get worse.

 Shoto: I'll be fine, just tell him I left.

With that, Todoroki shut off his phone. He ignored the next few texts, knowing they were from his sister. Midoriya finished up whatever he was doing, and made his way over to the door.

 Todoroki got to his feet, following the smaller boy outside. They made their way down the many stairs, eventually reaching the street. The two boys were silent for a while, each trapped in their own thoughts.

 Shortly later, they reached they reached the mall. They gazed at the large building in front of them for a few moments before making their way to the door.

 Todoroki sighed, reaching for Midoriya's hand. Their fingers intertwined, and Todoroki gently squeezed. He was still slightly worried about what his father would do, but being near Midoriya made all his worries disappear.

(A/N: Soo I'm exhausted but I needed to write in order to stick to my "3-day posting schedule". In case you were wondering, (you probably weren't) it doesn't take me three days to write, I'm just lazy. I write these in a few minutes, depending on my mood. I use three days so I can have a two-day break and then write on the third day, so I can take some time for myself but also not fall out of writing if that makes sense? I just wanted to clear things up for some reason, idk. Anywayss, I decided that I'd write the actual mall part later, as I plan it being a little longer. If you guys have any suggestions for what happens at the mall, feel free to comment them, as I only have ideas for the dinner and after that, so yeh!)

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