~|:|Chapter 14|:|~

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Todoroki re-entered the room, his hair messy. He looked toward Midoriya, who was laying on his stomach, staring intently down at his book.

Midoriya turned to face Todoroki, offering a small smile. Todoroki smiled in return and sat down beside him, running a hand through his wet hair.

"Sorry for being such a dick earlier..." Midoriya apologized, moving to sit next to the older boy. 

"Huh? No, it's fine, I was invading your privacy." Todoroki looked around the room, noticing the drawing for the first time. Midoriya followed his gaze and blushed, scratching the back of his neck.

Todoroki looked down at the floor, his cheeks flushing a light shade of red. 

"I hope you don't mind! It's just that you're really good at drawing!" A smile spread across Midoriya's face as he watched Todoroki fidget with his hands.

"I-it's fine. I'm glad you like it."

"Wanna watch a movie?" Midoriya suggested, getting to his feet. Todoroki nodded and grabbed some blankets and pillows, following Midoriya to the couch.

(Hmmm... Whatever happened to Inko?? Idk lol)

The two boys curled up on the couch, Midoriya's head resting on Todoroki's shoulder. Pillows lay on either side of them, with the blanket draped over them.

Todoroki chose a horror movie, remembering the first one they'd watched together. Midoriya reluctantly agreed on the movie, feeling like he owed it to Todoroki to make the decision.

Midoriya moved closer to Todoroki, his face bright red. Todoroki chuckled and wrapped his arm around the smaller boy, his heart dancing.

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