Authors Note

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I'm just gonna take some time to explain some stuff. So recently I haven't been writing as much. I kind of touched on it previously, but I feel like I should go more into depth about my issues.

Sooo, I tend to lose interest in things within days, which for some reason causes me to get kinda sad. I want to enjoy these things, like writing, and bnha, but for some reason it feels wrong. It hurts.

I've been using writing as a therapy technique, but it's kinda hard when I get sad for writing, so idk what's wrong with me. 

I've been going through some emotional issues. I've been doing really good- 2 weeks without a breakdown! Basically, I started breaking down constantly, and when I started writing, it stopped. The only way I can really describe it is that my heart feels heavy. My stomach twists into knots, and I feel empty. Everything hurts.

Sooo, I can't really get into everything else, cos I know this is already annoying. I just wanted to kind of get this out. 

Thank you guys for reading this far! I really wasn't expecting anyone to read this. Are you guys enjoying it? I'm contemplating writing another one after this, more thought out and stuff lol. Obviously, I won't do it if you guys don't like my writing, but idk, maybe it'll help me.

Well, I'll try not to interrupt the story any more!! 

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